Coughing every day???

Posted by zscline @zscline, Dec 26, 2023

I'm still new to this group and seem to come up with questions every day. My Pulmonary doctor is helpful and listens well, but having others who are actually dealing with this condition (BE) is extremely helpful. My question today, just somewhat out of curiosity, is whether you find yourself coughing most every day, as I do. Regardless of inhalers, nebulizers, techniques to expel mucus, the chronic cough is always there for me. More in the morning and later it the day, but never gone. Do you have a similar experience?

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Yes, I do have cough every day and it is wet cough.


@zscline I wish I could say no, but I have been coughing every day for years. Even after treatment for MAC, even after getting my asthma fully under control, even doing daily airway clearance, I cough some every day. Some days are better than others. But never fully gone.


Ditto. I cough every day all day and some days more than others. I can barely take a walk without coughing (wet cough) and blowing my nose as though I have a perpetual cold. Doesn't matter what meds etc. The only thing that knocks it out is high dose prednisone and not worth the physical price so...I go though a lot of kleenex. I buy in bulk from Amazon LOL.


Yes. Everyday. Anytime I have eaten something and whenever I change body position from upright to lying. At night, I cough face down to remove some mucus then sleep on side. Good luck


Yes , terribly when new infections set in. Once treated and under control then I can at appear in public and travel
without noticeable coughing.


Yes, I have a productive cough all day. Some days are less than others, but still embarrassing when I am out in public. It is depressing at times and I stay home mostly.


It is awkward going out in public and coughing so much, especially since Covid has appeared on the world scene.


I still cough. But it is much less since I've been nebulizing with 7% saline and using Aerobika.


I am exactly like you. Coughing alot in the morning and evening or during the day if I am stressed also and that is after using all meds.


I still cough. But it is much less since I've been nebulizing with 7% saline and using Aerobika.

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I saw someone else mention Aerobika. What is it? I guess I could look it up. I only use 3% saline solution right now. I just recently started using a nebulizer. It helps a lot, but I see that many/ most people use 7% solution. I might ask my doctor, but he did tell me that some people get sore throats from saline nebulizing. I wonder if that might be because of the stronger solution. Does that ever bother you in that way?

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