Continuous tummy pain post covid

Posted by preocupada @preocupada, Sep 18, 2022

My 13 year old tested positive for COVID on the 1st of May 2022, symptoms were: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tummy pain, headache, sore throat, caugh, flem. Around the 10th day her tummy started hurting more, specifically in two areas left and right of bellybutton, took her to A&E sent home with pain killers, no tests; week later returned to A&E, tested for Multisystem inflammatory syndrome, came back negative, sent home with more pain killers. Pediatrician did number of tests: boold, urine, stool, porphyria, helicobacter & tomography all seem to be fine or negative. Sent to digestive Dr, Dr did additional stool samples to test for blood and inflammation in intestines. Faecal calprotectin was 62.3 (normal values 26 - 50). Digestive Dr did no more tests. Told to see a psychologist so they could train her to increase her pain tolerance. 1 month later returned to A&E as pain intensified, on the third day in hospital had ultrasound, signs of fluid and partially swollen appendix, appendix removed se day, more tests done in hospital all seemed normal. Since then had tummy infiltration as Dr's believed tummy problems due to abdominal wall, only caused more pain that subsided after 5-6 days, initial pain still remains. Referred to Digestive again, Dr doing more tests, pending endoscopy. My daughter is in continuous pain all day long, when she eats or drinks her pain intensifies, ends up vomiting due to the pain

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Look into SIBO a lot of people are getting this post-Covid.. I got it!

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Thank you @angwalker. @murphnsurf already mentioned SIBO, I asked my paediatrician but she said only the GI specialist can order that test. I have an appointment end of next month with them so I will see if they can arange then


Have any of the Dr's done CT scans of her abdimon? I'm asking because back in May of 21, I was hospitalized at one hospital for 7 days. All kinds of specialized tests but mostly given narcotics for the pain. The next night after being released I went to another ER. There the gave me a CT Svan and within a few hrs I was admitted. They found that my kidney had an infarct. 1/4 of my kidney had died. By the next day another 1/4 had died. While in the first hospital I was never tested for covid which I find was not ok. The 2nd hospital where I was inpatient for another 8 days I was negative. No one was thinking covid because all articles and drs were concentrating on lungs. After I was released, about 3 weeks later I asked my dr to do a blood antibody test. It showed POSITIVE FOR RECENT COVID. Ever since then I have been living in hell. Have not been able to work and am applying for ss disability. I hate all of this. I'm trying to get to a cobid clinic but my insurance denied it in Feb of 22. Another dr is doing another pre auth next week as I have about 15 symptoms.


@kmoorekc, I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through. My daughter had a tomography of her abdomen; the scan was fine but there was a note to point out that not the most effective test if there is no contrast


Hopefully my daughter's ordeal is all over and done with. She tested positive for an intestinal parasite "giardia lamblia intestinalis". All I can conclude is when her defences were low during COVID the parasite hit hard. This has been almost a 7 month torture for my daughter but hopefully she is now on the mend. I hope this helps anybody else suffering the same symptoms


I was a bit too optimistic, parasite's treated but initial symptoms still remain. On a positive note, her red and white blood cell count is back to normal; every blood test they were getting lower and lower. Also stool sample all ok now, the digestion was incomplete before parasite treatment


Look into SIBO a lot of people are getting this post-Covid.. I got it!

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Your symptoms?

In reply to @iedhunter "Your symptoms?" + (show)

Your symptoms?

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All symptoms described in initial post


How do you know if you have intestinal parasites? What tests do the Drs order!


How do you know if you have intestinal parasites? What tests do the Drs order!

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I took a stool sample in and they tested it for parasites. My daughter was loaded with parasites, it was affecting her blood count and her digestion was incomplete on the tests. Tested family members in household and animals and nobody else came out positive


It's been over a year now and my daughter is still 24hrs per day in pain. Still continues with tummy pain and headaches/migraines, all of more or less intensity depending on the time of day and also when she eats/drinks.
I'm convinced that COVID has affected her nervous system. She has positive Carnett signs, just trying to get a test to confirm ACNES (Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome), also having a brain MRI this week.
It is so frustrating, especially when 90% of the Drs believe it's in her head and others say that there is no more treatment and she should just do sports. Easy for them to say, when my daughter had been using crutches until Feb this year because Drs (4 of them) couldn't find what the problem was with her foot, even with 2 MRI'S. Finally they operated and found out she had a completely torn / detached ligament in her foot (took me a year struggling for the Drs to do something and also being told it was in her head). She has been left with continuous pins and needles and numbness in her foot, just hope with time gets better.
I have totally lost confidence in Dr's

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