Continued Post-Nasal Drip and Constant Mucus in Throat

Posted by adominic @adominic, Mar 22, 2022

I was sick the last week or January/first week of February. Home Test-negative, rapid PCR-negative. All COVID symptoms and known prolonged exposure to infected individuals make me believe it was COVID. Since then, I have had a tremendously hard time dealing with post-nasal drip and mucus collecting in my throat. It is clear, sticky and almost impossible to remove from throat by coughing or clearing my throat. Flonase does nothing, allergy pills do nothing. Had anyone else had an issue like this post COVID? How long did it last? What did you do to cope? Small problem in comparison to others that post here, I realize.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

Yes, but I was put on Paxlovid due to a history of bronchial asthma and age. Took awile to stop running nose, but lung mucous lingered for several months. I ended up with what seemed like gout in my big toe; however, it could have been coincidence since I don't live under controlled conditions. Research revealed a doc in India who discovered it affected the joints in one percent of the population who have had Covid. Apparently, he shared this info with the CDC. I eat very few purines and have an extremely healthy diet so........I found that a glass of water made it go away, but the shoulders are a different story??????? I was more fuzzy brained than usual, and had a fleeting headache lasting only a few seconds on the right side. I never get headaches of any kind. I've had all vaccinations and two boosters, but since I have had Covid I need to wait until late December for the third booster. The above nasties lasted approximately four months, but now I seem fine. Who knows? Good luck.


Any update on your condition? I happen to have the same symptoms that you are describing, my post nasal drip and mucus in the throat continue and it is almost a year since I had covid.


I have had the mucus and coughing since I had covid pneumonia in January of 2022.
My husband loves science and keeps scoping out why I’m coughing and coughing up so much mucus.
We’ve sort of narrowed it down to the larynx because even after the allergy season has been over I still cough.
My GP and Pulmonologist seemed to think it was allergies.
Anyway, this YouTube video may explain it, and we will talk to my pulmonologist at our upcoming appointment since he really likes research.
Check it out if you have post covid coughing with mucus.


I had Covid July 2020. Perfect health, and no underlying conditions and consider myself lucky to have survived. Never smoked, drank alcohol, or did any drugs.
I did regular exercise and ate fairly healthily.
Had previously never had to go to a doctor for anything.

After beating Covid, I would get tired very easily, obtained tinnitus, and had a cough that would not go away.
After coughing up two small pieces of white looking tissue I decided to head back to see a doctor and came to find out that I had walking pneumonia. I was given an antibiotic of Amoxicillin along with a steroid.

I had an allergic reaction to Amoxicillin but continued to take it as I wanted to get rid of the constant cough and Amoxicillin did get rid of the cough and the Pneumonia.

I was left with a thick Phlegm that I continually coughed up, especially after I would drink any fluid, seems dairy products would make the phlegm worse. I would also get a crackling sound from the left lung. It felt like there was a flap around my atoms apple that would repeatedly partially close and then open.

In December of 2020, whatever that flapping valve is closed all the way for a second, and I could not breathe at all, literally that one second of not being able to breathe had dropped me to my knees, and when my knees hit the floor, I heard a pop sound from my throat and was able to breathe again. it was weird because it was not like holding my breath where I could last three or four minutes, it was a total air takeaway that was immediate, if losing air that way would have lasted three seconds I would not be here today. What caused that valve or whatever it is to close was that I had raised my voice calling out to my dog, so from that point on, I never yelled out.

I had phlegm and have been to multiple doctors, they tried all the things everyone posted here and none of that worked.
What I have is as you said, livable, but last month I decided to do my own internet research and a few weeks ago (December 2022) was able to get rid of the phlegm the same way some others had by taking an antibiotic called cephalexin.

Right now, during the day, I am fine, with no problems at all. At night, I have a scratchy throat at the atoms apple and when I lay down I have to clear my throat, sometimes four or five times every minute.

Am on the internet doing research to see what to take for that and am wondering, now that I got rid of the phlegm, maybe gargling with salt water again to see if that finishes it off.


Tinnitus is more in the left ear than in the right ear. Once again, it is my left side, and some days there is no tinnitus, completely gone from both ears.
Somedays, I only have the ringing from the left ear, and a few times, the ringing has only been from the right ear.
The ringing sound is never the same, some days it is light and other days it is louder.

When I start to fall asleep, that place where you are between being awake and asleep, the ringing sound goes completely away. It is like whatever part of the brain shuts down during sleep is where the ringing sound is coming from. The ringing always becomes lower after taking a shower.


Tinnitus is more in the left ear than in the right ear. Once again, it is my left side, and some days there is no tinnitus, completely gone from both ears.
Somedays, I only have the ringing from the left ear, and a few times, the ringing has only been from the right ear.
The ringing sound is never the same, some days it is light and other days it is louder.

When I start to fall asleep, that place where you are between being awake and asleep, the ringing sound goes completely away. It is like whatever part of the brain shuts down during sleep is where the ringing sound is coming from. The ringing always becomes lower after taking a shower.

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Strange all my problems have also been on my left side. Ear (always feels full ... and now my left knee


Hi, I have the exact same thing. Same timeline as you, CM Covid test results as you. I am clearing my throat every single day, anything the doctor has given me isn’t clearing it up at all. I find it quite distressing. How’s yours went away yet?


I have had sinus issues where my ears have been clogged for two years now, I use a sinus rinse very day but to no avail using Allegra helps stop the feeling of draining but now have been taking allergy shots for about 8 m months now helpful effects so far.Also have a problem with eye issues when working or reading on a computer for a long period of time


I started gargling with salt water after I eat. So far I think it is helping.


I’ve been having the issue for about 17 months. Give or take. So bad I considered ending my life. It’s that bad. I can’t have chocolate or ice cream or milk they make it ten times worse. I’ve been to Five ENTs a specialist at OSU Wexner, Medical Center, ear, nose, and throat. I had a CT scan done of my face I’ve gone for allergy testing and swallow testing. I’ve spent $1000 or more on sprays and pills and testing. I thought it was we medication I was taking so I quit taking the medication because the medication exacerbates the problem. After grossing out my family and friends and living with a spit bottle by my side every where I go. I came to the harsh realization o have to live like this. Because even the most prominent ENT specialists and Rhynologist in Michigan and Ohio can’t find the issue. The last specialist put my on Zoloft thinking it was mental and like a “tick”. NOTHING HAS HELPED. Today a buddy said “it’s probably from the Covid vaccines” and sent me this link. Sure as s#%t it all started when I got my first vaccine. I also go two boosters.

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