Constant tinnitus: Are there any solutions?

Posted by kimjensch @kimjensch, Jun 14, 2020

It there any solution for constant tinnitis?

I have high pitched tones constantly though I have learned to ignore it mostly.

It can become louder at times, even loud enough to make me wince!

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@covidstinks2023 @windyshores
I've had tinnitus for 53 years since I shattered my eardrum into 100 pieces at 11. Instant tinnitus. It's a hissing noise with occasional high pitched squealing. Never stopped even after eardrum repair and healing. Spent two days in the hospital falling and vomiting due to loss of equilibrium. Still don't have good balance in the dark or with eyes closed. Hearing loss, garbled sound in that ear. It took me about a year to get used to it. Hard to sleep at first. Then I only noticed it when the room was silent.

Suddenly about 10 years ago, the volume doubled. Then 5 years later it doubled again. It's been increasing ever since. I can hear it over everything, but even so you get used to it. It would take an airplane engine to mask it. I'm not sure why it increased although my neurologist told me it can increase with age. I have noticed sugar seems to make it even louder. Sometimes I think it may be in both ears now, but can't tell if it's that or just because the one ear is soooo loud, it fills my entire head. Makes it hard to keep the TV low at night and not wake up others. I turn on closed caption at night.

I am really baffled when you say ear plugs help since the sound is coming from the inside. Hmmm. Hearing aids are also curious.

@weekendrider -- If tinnitus is a new condition for you, you'll get used to it over time. It just becomes white noise.

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Ear plugs are horrible for me. No help at all and they end up making me dizzy and cause pain due to release of pressure when I take them out.

I use captions too!!


I developed tinnitus and am searching for relief. Any suggestions?

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Anyone try pills or patches that are advertised to help tinnitus?


Ear plugs are horrible for me. No help at all and they end up making me dizzy and cause pain due to release of pressure when I take them out.

I use captions too!!

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Windyshores Have you tried musicians ear plugs? They have to be custom made via an audiologist but I find there is no pressure removing them. I couldn’t tolerate any other kind but sometimes I need to reduce sound in a noisy environment.


Windyshores Have you tried musicians ear plugs? They have to be custom made via an audiologist but I find there is no pressure removing them. I couldn’t tolerate any other kind but sometimes I need to reduce sound in a noisy environment.

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@willows thank you so much for the suggestion!


Anyone try pills or patches that are advertised to help tinnitus?

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No but I hear the FDA has finally approved one single treatment for tinnitus. I kid you not, it involves placing electrodes on the tongue at the same time as certain sounds are played into the ear(s). Has anyone heard this or tried it in a clinical setting?


No but I hear the FDA has finally approved one single treatment for tinnitus. I kid you not, it involves placing electrodes on the tongue at the same time as certain sounds are played into the ear(s). Has anyone heard this or tried it in a clinical setting?

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This is discussed on a tinnitus forum I have used. I forget what it is called!


This is discussed on a tinnitus forum I have used. I forget what it is called!

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It’s called Lenire - there is a website for it. I read about it on this MayoClinic site. I think you sign up online to get in line for possible treatment.


Windyshores Have you tried musicians ear plugs? They have to be custom made via an audiologist but I find there is no pressure removing them. I couldn’t tolerate any other kind but sometimes I need to reduce sound in a noisy environment.

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I’ve been researching musicians ear plugs. For one side with hyperacusis
Can you suggest a brand?


Check out neosensory and David Eagleman, a neuroscientist who has invented a solution for this problem.

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