Collagen for osteoporosis?

Posted by cpb @cpb, Jul 26, 2021

My friend's medical doctor has her take collagen for her bones. I decided to try it and wondered if anyone knows more than I do about this.

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There is a type of collagen that two doctors have recommended and this type has been studied and helps bones. The type of collagen is fortibone. Designs for health website sells one with that type of collagen. A functional doc told me about it. I also take one that has just that one type of collagen. I get that from Osteonaturals.
That’s Dr Keith Mc Cormicks site. He is the doctor that had severe osteoporosis and now his mission is to help others. He used tymlos and supplements from what I remember.

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I’m glad you posted about Foritbone. I’m taking Nativepath collagen, but didn’t realize I should be taking their bone health collagen because of the Fortibone.


I’m glad you posted about Foritbone. I’m taking Nativepath collagen, but didn’t realize I should be taking their bone health collagen because of the Fortibone.

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Yes. I just found out about it myself. I read some of the studies and it sounds great.


It does seem like you are doing all the right things. I hope that the Evenity and bone stimulator help you to heal. I do believe the blood supply to the 5th is limited. I know that it is so frustrating not to be able to just walk! Don't give up! Stay positive.

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Thank you , The odd thing is my 5 th metatarsal
healed . It is the neck of my 4 th metatarsal and phalanx that hasn’t healed completely . That was the one I injured first .


I’m glad you posted about Foritbone. I’m taking Nativepath collagen, but didn’t realize I should be taking their bone health collagen because of the Fortibone.

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I am taking Living Conscious. Did reviews on it . So where do I get the Collagen you are referring too ? Thanks


I am taking Living Conscious. Did reviews on it . So where do I get the Collagen you are referring too ? Thanks

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I bought mine directly from Nativepath. Just make sure to get the bone health one.


I am taking Living Conscious. Did reviews on it . So where do I get the Collagen you are referring too ? Thanks

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I’ve just come across this article about collagen. So, I’m putting mine in a room temperature drink. This is the only article I’ve read about temperature affecting collagen.


I am buying collagen from Dr. McCormick.


I am buying collagen from Dr. McCormick.

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Do you have his website for collagen? Thanks!

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