Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Posted by seidholz @seidholz, Feb 13 6:17am

I have been in the NIH Long Haul research program since 2020. I have been diagnosed with all the tropical symptoms- loss of taste and smell, brain fog, dizziness etc. all have improved over time with the exception of Chronic Fatigue. I have asked, even pleaded with my doctors and researchers for a solution for this and get only blank stares. I have regularly exercised, watched my diet, lost over 30 pds, get plenty of sleep and take all sorts of vitamins and supplements- with no effect. Does anyone have any suggestions? All my blood work and multiple tests with the NIH study come back normal. Very frustrating

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Just want to weigh in with a point about nomenclature.

Chronic fatigue is often an accompanying symptom of Long Covid. It's a symptom that accompanies numerous medical conditions.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), on the other hand, is a specific diagnosis and condition that has no direct relationship with Covid, per se. It is also referred to as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), in places other than the U.S.
It, too, is suspected of being a type of post-viral phenomenon, although it has proven difficult to truly qualify and treat, and can have numerous accompanying symptoms.
But please do not label the chronic fatigue many of us experience post Covid as "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", as it's a separate phenomenon, despite many overlapping symptoms.

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