Change in anxiety symptoms

Posted by lma84 @lma84, Jan 12 5:21am

I suffer from anxiety, mainly around my own health. Curious to know if others notice a change in the physical symptoms that anxiety produces, over time? Current flare up seems to have produced different symptoms again.

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I understand and you are correct. After my husband passed in December of 2022 I moved from our home to my daughter and son in laws property. They live in the Big House as I call it 😊and I live in the mother in law (mom's apartment) overlooking the pool. It's absolutely beautiful here. I am right here with my family. They have 4 children. The oldest will be 18 soon and the youngest just turned 3. I love being here to see them and enjoy my grandchildren. I would not do well if I would have stayed in my other house I shared with my husband. The house was too big and I would really be worse off. The problem is I am still lonely even though I am right here. I am so grateful to be here but it doesn't change the grief and the anxiety and little depression I am going through. I went to grief counseling and am seeing a therapist. Going to get all my blood work done next week. It's the morning anxiety for me that is the worse. It's an awful feeling of uneasiness is the way I can describe it. I'm trying to find ways to meet new people in the area because I know that will help. Getting used to this new normal and missing my life with my husband terribly. How are you doing?

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@barb6060 you are very new to your current change, but I think you will do just fine, once you settle into your new life. You seem to be doing all the right things to get to your “happy place” - and I believe you will, in (short) time!

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