Cerebellum atrophy with no known cause

Posted by nhawse @nhawse, May 22, 2019

My husband was diagnosed with cerebellum atrophy with no known cause in February. We still don’t know the cause. The doctors are leaning towards genetic. We still do not know the prognosis or how fast it will go. He is 48. Use to be a police officer. He is taking it hard. We have only been married for 2.5 months. Some days he does fine or days he can hardly walk. We just don’t know what to do if anything.

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Have you been tested for Arnold Chiari Malformation?

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Not that I know of. But I had neck mri 3 mos ago and the radiologist said I just have degenerative disk disease.


Two years ago I was diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment. The MRI showed moderate atrophy of the Cerebellum. My balance (gait) is bad. I now use a cane or walker. I’ve become apathetic about most things.
Today I started a second round of brain testing. I had an MRI & MRA this afternoon.
The possibility that I have vascular dementia is high because I have several autoimmune diseases which inflame my arteries.

Anyone else have atrophy in the brain because of inflammation from an autoimmune disease?

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Ok. The MRI would have be be done to the back of the head. Including the top portion of the neck.


Two years ago I was diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment. The MRI showed moderate atrophy of the Cerebellum. My balance (gait) is bad. I now use a cane or walker. I’ve become apathetic about most things.
Today I started a second round of brain testing. I had an MRI & MRA this afternoon.
The possibility that I have vascular dementia is high because I have several autoimmune diseases which inflame my arteries.

Anyone else have atrophy in the brain because of inflammation from an autoimmune disease?

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Did you check for SS?

In reply to @stevegrinstead "Did you check for SS?" + (show)

Did you check for SS?

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@stevegrinstead What is SS?


Two years ago I was diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment. The MRI showed moderate atrophy of the Cerebellum. My balance (gait) is bad. I now use a cane or walker. I’ve become apathetic about most things.
Today I started a second round of brain testing. I had an MRI & MRA this afternoon.
The possibility that I have vascular dementia is high because I have several autoimmune diseases which inflame my arteries.

Anyone else have atrophy in the brain because of inflammation from an autoimmune disease?

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Superficial Siderosis. Dr. Kumar and Dr Marsh.


Superficial Siderosis. Dr. Kumar and Dr Marsh.

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@stevegrinstead The symptoms as described by @SusanEllen66 do not match up with Superficial Siderosis.


Superficial Siderosis. Dr. Kumar and Dr Marsh.

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@stevegrinstead I noticed that you have suggested this diagnosis to other members on Connect as well. Have you been diagnosed?

For others who may not be familiar, superficial siderosis is a rare chronic progressive neurological dysfunction characterized by classical triad of symptoms consisting of sensorineural hearing loss, cerebellar ataxia, and myelopathy.

Given this is a rare dysfunction, I am wondering if you would consider sharing your experience in a new discussion so that if anyone else can relate, they can share experiences with you.


@stevegrinstead I noticed that you have suggested this diagnosis to other members on Connect as well. Have you been diagnosed?

For others who may not be familiar, superficial siderosis is a rare chronic progressive neurological dysfunction characterized by classical triad of symptoms consisting of sensorineural hearing loss, cerebellar ataxia, and myelopathy.

Given this is a rare dysfunction, I am wondering if you would consider sharing your experience in a new discussion so that if anyone else can relate, they can share experiences with you.

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Yes and yes. Please go to Mayo Clinic/ Steve GRINSTEAD. I will do all that I can.


@stevegrinstead I noticed that you have suggested this diagnosis to other members on Connect as well. Have you been diagnosed?

For others who may not be familiar, superficial siderosis is a rare chronic progressive neurological dysfunction characterized by classical triad of symptoms consisting of sensorineural hearing loss, cerebellar ataxia, and myelopathy.

Given this is a rare dysfunction, I am wondering if you would consider sharing your experience in a new discussion so that if anyone else can relate, they can share experiences with you.

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