Does CBD oil help you with your depression and/or anxiety?

Posted by lalyfa @lalyfa, Feb 24, 2018

I am curious to know if anyone has had success with CBD or Hemp oil helping with depression/anxiety? I’ve been reading a lot about it and am curious.
I've been reading about this and am very interested but would like thoughts/opinions from anyone who has actually tried it or knows someone who has. TIA

Thank you,

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Depression & Anxiety Support Group.


Welcome @nane63, I think you'll appreciate reading this related discussion and connecting with members sharing their experiences:
- Does CBD oil help you with your depression and/or anxiety?

Have you talked to your psychiatrist about adding CBD to your treatment plan?

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My experience is that CBD oil can help lessen a bit of the challenges if one is going through an episode, but it is not a cure all. Definitely work with your mental health professional.



Welcome to Mayo Connect. I am a Volunteer Mentor and not a medical professional. As such I can offer the benefit of my personal experience, as can others on this site, but not medical diagnoses nor medical opinions. We strive to help each other with the understanding that we are all different and what works for me may not work for you. I have gotten so much good from participating in Mayo Connect that I love it.

Yes, I have used CBD tincture and CBD Living Water for anxiety. I haven't used it for depression as I already take an antidepressant. It doesn't seem to interfere with my Citalopram.

I decided to try CBD when I was withdrawing from Tramadol, a synthetic opiate I had been taking for pain (with 2 other medications) for over a year. As I began slowly reducing my use, I experienced a lot of anxiety and muscle tremors in my legs especially. I know that using a marijuana medication meant that my pain doctor would not prescribe for me again, but I was getting off the pain medications one by one anyway, so I don't care.

The CBD Living Water was my favorite as it just was like drinking bottled water and was immediately available in my system. Within a few minutes of drinking one serving, my anxiety began reducing. It was so benign that I thought perhaps it was just my own thoughts that were calming me down--my belief that it would help. So, I bought the CBD tincture as kind of a test to see if I reacted the same. The next time I was having withdrawal anxiety I used the CBD Tincture. I didn't realize at that time that it can take up to 2+ hours to have effect when you take the tincture, but that was actually good for my test purposes. My anxiety continued for another hour until slowly the tincture began taking effect. I decided then that the CBD Living Water worked best for my anxiety.

CBD Living Water is expensive at $5.00 per bottle with 2 servings. It has no flavor (the tincture had a sweet weird flavor I didn't like) and is easy to drink. I only used 4 bottles to help me through my withdrawal. I don't use it now, but I will if I have anxiety in the future. I am impressed with how helpful it was in my withdrawal. I think it would help in withdrawal from cigarettes too. I did that 34 years ago though.

Are you willing to share what you're anxiety is about? I had panic and anxiety attacks for years and used Ativan and later Lorazepam for them, especially when I had to fly in planes. About 6 years ago I started taking Citalopram antidepressant, and all my anxiety/panic attacks went away. I only had it again recently during my withdrawal process. I know my relief from anxiety is from the Citalopram. I even did 7 zip lines in Costa Rica a little over a year ago. My flights there, to Panama and back were anxiety free. That has been so incredible for me! I love traveling now.

Please let me know if you have questions,. I also hope others on Mayo Connect will let you know their experiences with CBD and Marijuana as medical alternative treatments.

Gail B
Volunteer Mentor

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In what capacity do you serve as a volunteer mentor?
I’ve had Lyme disease for over 30 years and still under care for active infection (12 yrs undiagnosed which is a critical part in the spread and tenacity of burying forever within the organs of the body). Would you be kind enough to tell me how you help?
I believe my email is displayed above. Thank you.


My experience is that CBD oil can help lessen a bit of the challenges if one is going through an episode, but it is not a cure all. Definitely work with your mental health professional.

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Hi. I understand that, but according to my psychiatrist I’m already being treated for depression and anxiety. CBD would be to help with the episodes. Nothing else seems to work Thanks


I have had good luck with microdosing of THC gummies with CBD. I have been on Prozac for 25 years for depression and anxiety. I was having chronic insomnia with sleep anxiety. I stopped taking Ambien and am now taking microdoses of THC gummies. I am sleeping so much better and anxiety is gone. I live in IL so can purchase recreation at dispensary. My physician is on board. Best of luck!

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How much THC do you consider a micro dose?


I started at 1 mg and am now taking 5 mg.


Nothing works for everyone all the time. I have found there are no quick fixes. In all my research, which has been nauseatingly extensive. There are only three certain treatments for most mental health disorders; good sleep, clean diet and regular exercise. These three simple but not easy treatments are always, I repeat always recommended and almost as often ignored.

Don’t get me wrong, I tried everything (including CBD) rather than make these three simple changes.

If I could change mental healthcare, lifestyle changes and therapy would be required to be eligible for medications.

Fifteen years ago I went looking for a pill that could change my life for me. I got a bunch of them, they changed my life alright. I lost everything. My family, my fortune and my freedom.

I wish someone had given me the choice!

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Some folks have inoperable conditions that keep them from having a normal sleep pattern.
That is why they are on medication.


I want to be one hundred percent clear. Anything I write is my experience only. My hope for everyone is that they can find relief from their suffering. If I have suggested otherwise please forgive me.

May we all find a path that that eases our travels!


I've tried CBD oil for my anxiety, and it's been a game-changer for me. I used to struggle a lot with racing thoughts and panic attacks, but since incorporating CBD into my routine, I've noticed a significant reduction in my symptoms.


I've tried CBD oil for my anxiety, and it's been a game-changer for me. I used to struggle a lot with racing thoughts and panic attacks, but since incorporating CBD into my routine, I've noticed a significant reduction in my symptoms.

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Do you take only CBD or with THC as well?


I've tried CBD oil for my anxiety, and it's been a game-changer for me. I used to struggle a lot with racing thoughts and panic attacks, but since incorporating CBD into my routine, I've noticed a significant reduction in my symptoms.

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Hi. Do you take it at night only?

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