Cause of sharp, very painful shooting pain goes across my forehead

Posted by gato @gato, Oct 7, 2023

I am not unconscious, no seizure activity , many doctors, many tests. Immobilizes me.

Can also, not at the same time, but last time an hour later suddenly fall over very hard with a thud, injuring myself (been in PT for 7 months). Again, not unconscious, no seizure.

Anyone else have 1 or both of these things happen to them?

Anyone have any ideas, suggestions? I've been dealing with this for 4 1/2 years.

Thank you.

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So sorry for what you are going through. I am curious if the Dr has stated that there is no seizure involvement? My neurologist was convinced that I was having seizures. He put me in the hospital for testing to try to catch the seizure activity [had to lay still for 24 hrs and could not go to sleep]. He couold not "catch" it, but it did not dissuade him from the Dx of seizures, and he even put me on Gabapentin for it. There were mild incidences that directed him to this Dx, but I also had two major incidences that "convinced" him, even though nothing was caught on the testing. I took a bad fall and was down for 5 nights, plus I totaled my car because of "losing consciousness" for a short time, actually causing the accident. Seizures are a hard thing to diagnose, but also a hard thing to rule out, as I understand. When I have had my "seizure activity", I have no memory or recollection of what happened immediately prior to, or after, the "falls". Is this something you explerience? Don't misunderstand me, I am not trying to "diagnose" you. Just wondering.


I also want to comment that I have sharp, shooting pains in my R temple area, which "grab me" from the pain. The pains are not in my forehead, as yours are. I experienced it once in front of a Dr for a speech problem and she was very alarmed. She said my eyes were "fluttering" also, which I hadn't been aware of. "Temporal arteritis" is what I was tested for, but then was never ruled out to me, but also never followed up on, so I still have the pains. I know that aneurysms are not supposed to cause symptoms, but I have brain aneurysms on the R side of my head, so I have a hard time not thinking the pains could be related. This has been going on for at least six years, I would say. Recently let up some, but came back again with a force a few nights ago. I emphathize with you and hope you can find a Dx and resolve soon.


So sorry for what you are going through. I am curious if the Dr has stated that there is no seizure involvement? My neurologist was convinced that I was having seizures. He put me in the hospital for testing to try to catch the seizure activity [had to lay still for 24 hrs and could not go to sleep]. He couold not "catch" it, but it did not dissuade him from the Dx of seizures, and he even put me on Gabapentin for it. There were mild incidences that directed him to this Dx, but I also had two major incidences that "convinced" him, even though nothing was caught on the testing. I took a bad fall and was down for 5 nights, plus I totaled my car because of "losing consciousness" for a short time, actually causing the accident. Seizures are a hard thing to diagnose, but also a hard thing to rule out, as I understand. When I have had my "seizure activity", I have no memory or recollection of what happened immediately prior to, or after, the "falls". Is this something you explerience? Don't misunderstand me, I am not trying to "diagnose" you. Just wondering.

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Thank you for your information. Yes, he has said no seizures. He says there is no explanation for my symptoms. I'm a conundrum.

I recollect the before & the after of my falls.

When the sharp pain happens while driving I have been fortunate not to have had an accident as I have all I can do to stop my car.

I have used ChatGPT & will run those ideas by him.


Thank you for your information. Yes, he has said no seizures. He says there is no explanation for my symptoms. I'm a conundrum.

I recollect the before & the after of my falls.

When the sharp pain happens while driving I have been fortunate not to have had an accident as I have all I can do to stop my car.

I have used ChatGPT & will run those ideas by him.

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So, you are a "conundrum", huh? LOL! 😂😍I love that!
I, too, have had the pains when driving, so I understand that, also.
I hope you can get some answers and find a resolve! I know what that is like. I have numerous conditions that are recurring, chronic and unresolved, and I know that frustration.
My heart goes out to you,


Could it be a sleep disorder like narcolepsy with cataplexy?

I researched cataplexy. Part of the description is: “The muscle twitching during cataplexy can look like a seizure. In fact, it’s sometimes misdiagnosed as a seizure disorder.”

The information is from healthline.


Could it be a sleep disorder like narcolepsy with cataplexy?

I researched cataplexy. Part of the description is: “The muscle twitching during cataplexy can look like a seizure. In fact, it’s sometimes misdiagnosed as a seizure disorder.”

The information is from healthline.

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Thank you very much.

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