
Posted by marielinny @marielinny, 3 days ago

I’ve been taking carvedilol 3 mg twice daily for four months and need to get off of it due to horrible side effects. My cardiologist said I didn’t need to taper due to low dose which surprised me. My first night off rapid heart rate all evening. Does this lack of tapering make sense?

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Perhaps not. Each patient reacts to different medications differently. Some don't do well on some medications at all, and need others, or none. It couldn't hurt to taper more slowly, say cutting pills in half for a week, and then stop after that. But it depends on why the Dr wants you off them in the first place. Is something dangerous happening and he/she wants you off immediately? If not, then I don't see why you couldn't do a half-dose for up to 10 doses, maybe 14, and then take only one half of a dose during each of four final days, something like that. So, you take two doses of regular strength, are told to stop, but you feel you need to taper. Taper by taking 1.5 dose (one pill, followed by half a pill later that day, and do this for several days, probably not more than a full week). Then, cut it down to two half-doses for four or five days, then a single half-dose for another two or three days, and then stop altogether. That should work.

Again, though, you really ought to apprise your MD about your feelings and run your intentions past him/her.


Side effects are different for each of us. There are dozens of beta blockers. Try metoprolol. It is well tolerated beta blocker,long in use by hundreds of thousands of patients. Carvedilol is new and recently approved. Don't be one of their trial cases. If your doctor won't change your medicine change your doctor.


I take 12.5 mg twice a day and had to stop it for some bloodwork, and I had zero side effects from stopping it.

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