
Posted by retirement75 @retirement75, Jun 20 2:08pm

Wondering how I can get more thorough communication on prognosis and treatment of heart failure. I have been with current provider since bypass surgery in 2020. I’ve had heart catherization with no discussion of results, just that it would be treated with meds. I’ve asked how they can treat me further with medication when everything lowers my bp. I also have arrhythmia and would appreciate information on whether a pacemaker or defibrillator could be in my future. Do I need to change doctors? I’ve seen a cardiologist at Mayo Clinic for diagnosis of HF and have had a couple virtual appointments. They are not offering any more virtual appointments and it’s hard for me to go there. Too far distance wise.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Heart & Blood Health Support Group.

Are you still experiencing PACs or AF? If you have been shown to be free of AF by a Holter Monitor worn for at least 16 hours, you should not need any more medication except for Apixaban, such as Eliquis. This is to reduce the risk of stroke. If you have some AF still, or borderline hypertension, of if you really are in heart failure, you might need to stay on a beta blocker such as Metoprolol as well. However, some people have a genetic predisposition to tolerate and to metabolize metoprolol poorly, and it builds up and results in a dangerously low heart rate and pressure.

If your cardio team is unresponsive, find another. I understand this is difficult for you, but what alternative do you have if you want to live better, and longer, and they appear to be indifferent?

You only need a pacemaker if the electrophysiologist cannot correct your arrhythmia and the arrythmia might lead to worse heart failure. Pacemakers are the last resort when medication is insufficient and when further catheter ablation is likely to hasten your heart's demise.


I have a cardiovascular cardiologist. Not a cardiovascular surgeon. Can a cardiologist be used to repair a torn aortic artery or do I need a cardiovascular surgeon.?
Also, I’m on Coumadin for my aortic valve in my mechanical heart.
Sometimes I’ve called my cardiologist vascular doctor after my INR level results..
Every Wednesday morning the
lab comes here to take a lab injection and the results are sent to me via phone portal and my cardiologist. His job is to monitor my blood Inr and gives me the dosage for the week with suggestions on what dose I Should be taking.
This week we called him 3 times and it went to voicemail and no human contact. It is Friday and he has the results of my blood level from Wednesday.

But no contact. A week with an INR of 3.6 which is my current number needs the cardiovascular’s dosage instructions. 3.6 is on the high side and I have a not heard from him. It is listed as out of range.

The nurse (assisted living facility) called twice with no luck. I called him at 4:00 that day and I received no response.
I’m thinking of swapping for a real cardiovascular surgeon.

The 3.5 could cause internal bleeding and 3.5 also means my blood is too thick and could result in a brain stroke. What should I do? Last time I went to his office I got a speech about not seeing him for over 2 years so I understand that but not calling our pharmacy to place a new order depending on my numbers. I’m seeing him this week for my torn aortic aneurysm and hopefully he will contact me whith an upgraded
Dose. I know that it is important to remain within the range. I should be between 0.1 to 0.3 max. 3.6 is close to an emergency dose of vitamin k. To bring me back to my normal dose.


I would, and have recently, changed my doctor. A lack of communication with the patient is inexcusable!
Had I not changed my doctor I would probably not be here to write this. My new doc not only recognized my HCM but got me into a program where I am now on CAMZYOS which took care of my valve problem(HCM) and my heart murmur in 4 weeks. A real miracle if you ask me.
I still have A Fib and had an ablation to deal with it.
Please don’t be afraid to change to a more communicative doctor


I would, and have recently, changed my doctor. A lack of communication with the patient is inexcusable!
Had I not changed my doctor I would probably not be here to write this. My new doc not only recognized my HCM but got me into a program where I am now on CAMZYOS which took care of my valve problem(HCM) and my heart murmur in 4 weeks. A real miracle if you ask me.
I still have A Fib and had an ablation to deal with it.
Please don’t be afraid to change to a more communicative doctor

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The only place I’ve had good communication is with Mayo Clinic.

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