Cancer destroying what's left of our marriage and life

Posted by bigmuttlover1 @bigmuttlover1, Aug 13, 2024

I need to vent and hopefully get some help. Hubby was always mean-spirited, controlling, acerbic and very negative; I am the complete opposite ("yin and yang", if you will). We've had a splendid time together, lots of fun and memories. It all came crashing down w/ the diagnosis of T3 esophageal cancer February of this year.

Chemo & Radiation started immediately, and he did really good with both! I was not working, so, I was his full time nurse and caregiver, friend, ally. I took this role on with glee, because, he's a strong dude and I know that even w/ it being stage 3, there is still hope.

Surgery in May removed "everything"; recovery has been slow, but - going very well. Was released home 7 days later and just got his feeding tube out. Is trying to maintain weight.

The problem is, I cannot take his meanness, insults and generally very angry, hateful abuse any more. I started working a week after his surgery (lots of reasons, but let's just say it's a MARVELOUS job and it was much needed after being homebound for so long). I can "escape" now while at work. But when I get home at night, and oh lord the weekends... I have almost taken the dog and stayed at a hotel just to truly escape.

He will follow me (slowly...) around and yell, I've had things thrown at me, he's punched the dog. Threatens suicide non-stop. I was HOPING that since he's been blessed with this recovery time and eating food, AND I have this great job now - that he would have SOME happiness. It's all shot to hell and just gone.

I tried to explain how I feel. I do NOT want to leave him. I want my husband back! But my fear is, the cancer is showing 'who he really is', and this monster is going to be here forevermore, until death.

I also made a promise (vows are very serious), til death do we part, and I intend on following through. I guess I just miss the old him, and, according to him - the old him is gone, our life is over, he will never get better.

The 3-month scan is next week (to light up anywhere the cancer may have traveled)... it was in his lymph nodes, and, the tumor itself was still 30% "alive" when it was cut out.

I am on pins and needles, because I know the 'new him' will be super negative even IF the scan shows "no tumors" or spread. And it is tearing me apart. I feel he should count his blessings, be happy he is still above ground.

Go outside and look at my beautiful flowers, walk the dog with me, even just go for a ride, go sit at a park like we used to. I have been doing what others have told me to do --- carve out "me time", do things for myself, do NOT forget that I am still alive to. Trouble is, he's given up... and I feel like I have to, too.

I did put my foot down re: the violence, and that I would call 911 if I need to. Cancer or not, violence is not welcome in our home. I at least can outrun him (he's lost a LOT of weight and is very weak) when he gets his anger outbursts.

Sorry for the long post, just hoping to hear from other Caregivers who are living in a nightmare, looking over the shoulder wanting what once was. Looking at our wedding pictures around the house and our past 18 yrs together is heartbreaking.

It's like Cancer already killed him, and he's just waiting for Death to carry him away. I am so sad. 🙁

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It might be he hasn’t accepted what is happening to him. He has always had a temper and no patience, but when he is in pain and scared, it gets worse.

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Sorry! Thought this was in reply to my husband throwing hospice out. I agree this person is not acting right at all.


We tried it, but insurance barely touched the costs.

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@allie9124, I'm sorry to hear that. I was hoping that palliative care might have a pain management solution.

Another suggestion, might be to inquire about oncology social work. Read more here:
- How an Oncology Social Worker Can Help

Oncology social workers offer help to family members, not only the patient. Here's an excerpt from the article linked above:
"People living with cancer have questions about how their treatment will affect their relationship with their spouse or partner, as well as with their children or other family members. An oncology social worker can provide couples and other relationship counseling, during which people with cancer and their partners or family members may talk about the emotional changes they are going through, how they want to handle those changes, and what kind of support they want from each other and from other people."

Additionally, a social work might be able to help with the insurance.

Allie, it's hard to deal with this on your own. Do you think it might help to talk to someone?


Update. He is no longer living here. He is in psyche hold until "further eval", then off to jail. Two felonies and one misdemeanor. I am filing for divorce Monday.

he tried to kill my dog Monday night. All caught on camera. Then, loaded gun, threats. Swat showed up and took him. He will be in the infirmary. I filed an EPO the next day. Dog recovery in Vet office, Vet gave statement. Could post more but, I am SAFE, the nightmare is over. years upon years of abuse came to an explosive end, and I am safe. My dog is lucky to be alive!

His fate is no longer my concern. The things that have happened over the years cannot be forgiven. What happened this week, cannot forgive. I'm moving on and I have safety measures (lots of them) in place.

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So sorry to hear that your marriage ended this way. But you did say that his personality wasn't the nicest. You deserve relief from this type of lifestyle. No one should have to put up with this kind of abuse. I realize that your vows are important to you, but not at risk of your own safety. You did the right thing. I would have done the same thing also. My husband has stage iv lung cancer and sometimes he will say hateful and hurting things, but he is not abusive. Not saying that the cancer treatments will never cause him to be abusive. He does apologize afterwards. He has not always been easy to live with. But not to the extent of what you had to put up with. I pray that you and your pup will be safe and enjoy your life without worrying about him.

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