Burning Mouth Syndrome. I have it very severe.
I am a 76 year old women and have had this condition for almost a year. it is getting worse everyday. been to many doctors and not one of them has heard otf it, I am getting desperate
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My burning mouth was finally diagnosed as acid reflux with Barrett’s. In reading today I read about the connection between fatty liver and acid reflux so indirectly fatty liver can cause the reflux that can cause the burning mouth!
I have not had to go back since the second round of treatments. As I mentioned, I still occasionally feel it to a minor degree, but it's not often, prolonged, or bad. The first time was maybe 10-12 treatments over 3+ months, and the second was maybe half that. It's been several years, so timelines aren't clear anymore. No herbs, no moxa, just needles. I know that not everything works for everybody, but this worked for me. I hope it does for you, 'cause that BMS can be a real bitch!
Funny you mention that. I was just in FL for a few days and visited my Mom and thought my BMS was really much better and than came back here and noticed it seemed to ramp back up again (here being Wisconsin where it's snowing and cold)