Bruising unexplained

Posted by januaryjane @januaryjane, Jul 2, 2023

Hi, 37 female, recently broke out into bruises under my upper arms. They were swollen and hurt, that was less than a week ago, they're healing now. A few years ago I saw a blood specialist and found nothing abnormal. I've had bruising before but not like this. I'm wondering if it's something vascular. Any thoughts would definitely be appreciated.

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Has anyone checked your Vit D and Vit C levels? My doc has me taking D3 and K2, says it has a lot to do with “cellular fragility”. Might be worth asking about.

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Yes, my vit d was a little low so I started taking supplements. Last check in the normal range. Haven't had vit c done, but has come across my mind. Never heard of cellular fragility, I'll look this up. I've read a little on vit k too, will see if gp can check these. Thanks for the reply.



I went to gp to talk about bruises. She did some regular panels and checked vit k. Everything pretty normal. Told me to back to a hematologist.
I asked if it could be vascular but she said my bruises would not appear there if it was.

I will go, but this will be the last time if levels are normal. I've been having night sweats and lost 10 pounds unintentionally. Which the latter is odd.
Chronic inflammation is flared.
Boo, I wanna cry

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