Bruising unexplained

Posted by januaryjane @januaryjane, Jul 2, 2023

Hi, 37 female, recently broke out into bruises under my upper arms. They were swollen and hurt, that was less than a week ago, they're healing now. A few years ago I saw a blood specialist and found nothing abnormal. I've had bruising before but not like this. I'm wondering if it's something vascular. Any thoughts would definitely be appreciated.

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Aspirin only deals with one process in coagulation. When/if you go for a catheter ablation and must be loaded up with anti-coagulants, you'll get at least two other, probably including heparin.

It's cheap insurance, but it's a very basic 'package' in terms of 'coverage'.


My sister had a lot of unexplained bruising as well and her hematologist tested her for Von Willebrand factor-which she was positive for. Your doctor prob tested you for inherited gene anomalies but ask if he/she did those tests. By the way I have Factor 2 which is another clotting disorder-exact opposite of my Sis. Gotta love DNA!

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I'm pretty sure I was tested for Von Willebrand. Sorry to hear about you and your sister. Not sure about inherited gene anomalies. Thanks for the tip. I still have to look for that paperwork. Happy 4th


Aspirin only deals with one process in coagulation. When/if you go for a catheter ablation and must be loaded up with anti-coagulants, you'll get at least two other, probably including heparin.

It's cheap insurance, but it's a very basic 'package' in terms of 'coverage'.

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That all went over my head.


I've been having easy bruising for about 4 years. This latest episode gave me the creeps. Last week the back of my upper arms started getting bruises. They did hurt and are going away. But it looked like someone man handled me. Been tested by blood specialist, nothing. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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Has your hematologist tested you for bonWillebrand’s disease? It is a bleeding disorder that causes bruising. There are different types. Type1 can cause your clotting levels to fluctuate from normal to low. This can cause someone to bruise more easily when levels are lowered.


Has your hematologist tested you for bonWillebrand’s disease? It is a bleeding disorder that causes bruising. There are different types. Type1 can cause your clotting levels to fluctuate from normal to low. This can cause someone to bruise more easily when levels are lowered.

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I just found the paper today and I was tested for Von Willebrand comprehensive panel.
Also- PT/INR, PTT, and Thrombin Time. All came back normal, this was two years ago.


I just found the paper today and I was tested for Von Willebrand comprehensive panel.
Also- PT/INR, PTT, and Thrombin Time. All came back normal, this was two years ago.

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Just an added note on the testing, in von Willebrand’s disease type one, it sometimes takes multiple testing to get a diagnosis because of the fluctuation in von Willebrand levels. If they test you when your levels are up, it will not show up in lab work. This may not be what is going on but if they cannot find anything else, it might be worth retesting von Willebrand levels again.


I recommend taking photos of the bruises with a pencil or something for demonstrating size in the photo. A nickel or whatever you have in a fixed size to compare to the bruise. The SIZE is as helpful as the number of bruises.

My issues almost always temporarily resolve themselves by the time I see my dr. Photos speak volumes.

So I take my blood pressure daily, in between visits. This helps to manage my symptoms of anemia. Unfortunately, high blood pressure damages the heart and kidneys when it goes unnoticed.

I’m in my late 50’s with damaged organs from having only partially managed my blood pressure in my younger years.

Keeping records of BP and photos of anything physical can really help your dr see what you are experiencing outside of their offices.

I get the famous, “oh a textbook case!” when my photos are seen.

I get a helpful topical product from Portugal/Brazil for keeping the bruises from SHOWING as much or as long (but they are actually still painful despite fading). It helps me do SOMETHING besides follow my imagination!


I recommend taking photos of the bruises with a pencil or something for demonstrating size in the photo. A nickel or whatever you have in a fixed size to compare to the bruise. The SIZE is as helpful as the number of bruises.

My issues almost always temporarily resolve themselves by the time I see my dr. Photos speak volumes.

So I take my blood pressure daily, in between visits. This helps to manage my symptoms of anemia. Unfortunately, high blood pressure damages the heart and kidneys when it goes unnoticed.

I’m in my late 50’s with damaged organs from having only partially managed my blood pressure in my younger years.

Keeping records of BP and photos of anything physical can really help your dr see what you are experiencing outside of their offices.

I get the famous, “oh a textbook case!” when my photos are seen.

I get a helpful topical product from Portugal/Brazil for keeping the bruises from SHOWING as much or as long (but they are actually still painful despite fading). It helps me do SOMETHING besides follow my imagination!

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Oh yes, I take pictures and document everything. My BP is stable. I wish they'd see a textbook case in me. Even with pictures, it's just another body oddity. I am getting rather tired of receiving the "Are you being abused" letters they send out.
My old gp said it could be Amylidosis, she was only looking at a picture. It doesn't fit anyway.


Oh yes, I take pictures and document everything. My BP is stable. I wish they'd see a textbook case in me. Even with pictures, it's just another body oddity. I am getting rather tired of receiving the "Are you being abused" letters they send out.
My old gp said it could be Amylidosis, she was only looking at a picture. It doesn't fit anyway.

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Has anyone checked your Vit D and Vit C levels? My doc has me taking D3 and K2, says it has a lot to do with “cellular fragility”. Might be worth asking about.


Oh yes, I take pictures and document everything. My BP is stable. I wish they'd see a textbook case in me. Even with pictures, it's just another body oddity. I am getting rather tired of receiving the "Are you being abused" letters they send out.
My old gp said it could be Amylidosis, she was only looking at a picture. It doesn't fit anyway.

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The product I’m on is called Koncentrared K. I looked it up when my heme doc first told me to take it. Lots of good research info on the website.
Sometimes it’s confusing when your heme doc says one thing and your primary says something else. Lots to learn in the process.
Best wishes!

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