Breast Cancer and complementary or integrative therapies

Posted by nataliehope @nataliehope, Feb 27, 2020

Hi All, I am newly diagnosed Stage 1, IDC, tiny tumor, 42 year old. Does everyone elect to have surgery as step 1, does anyone try to fight the tumor on it's own? I'm E+, P+ Her2-Neg, MMI is 8. My hormones have been out of whack for a while and I neglected to take care of me, very hard menstrual cycles, very high stress, emotional trauma too, but I eat well and exercise. I'm a month from being diagnosed and I've upped my supplements and am eating really healthy, juicing, praying...etc. I need to block my estrogen, what are you guys doing for that? Also, any discussion on natural ways to get rid of a tumor? Anyone hear of Crybolation/Cryotherapy to freeze cancer cells - it's so successful in other countries especially for people with my diagnosis but very hard to find here in USA. I truly believe God gave us everything to heal our bodies and we can heal our cells and our life is in his hands, the conventional cancer path already has took me down dark tunnels that I don't feel are right for me... just looking for something more natural, would love your thoughts if you are like minded thinker and believer. God bless you all! XO

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Hi, I am also a believer in God and my oncologist told me that people who pray and have people praying for them have the best outcomes. I also had Stage One Breast cancer with a very small tumor. I wanted to get into surgery as soon as possilbe so that the cancer would not spread to my lymph nodes. I thank God that my cancer was found at stage one. The surgery, a lumpectomy, was pretty easy. I did get a second opinion about chemo and decided to go with radiation. That was not hard either. Your treatment plan could be different than mine. I had triple negative breast cancer. I am 64 and back to work full time. I had a follow up mammogram and everything looks good now. I think God was with me through this. I know it is a scary thing to go through. They should have a social worker to help you. You are lucky they caught it early. My opinion is trust the doctors to get on top of it so it does not get worse.

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I did not have breast cancer at least I didn't after a double mastectomy. I am experiencing a rash under the right breast continueious opening places on the incision multiple draining areas and infections. I have had a sonogram that showed 2.5 to 3. C. There are areas that are very painful from surgery July 21st 2022. I have been into the dr. She says everything is fine yet after having to be hospitalized for 2 other things not related, there dr.s put me back on antibiotics. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what this very painful area might be.. any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks Tina Fleming.


I did not have breast cancer at least I didn't after a double mastectomy. I am experiencing a rash under the right breast continueious opening places on the incision multiple draining areas and infections. I have had a sonogram that showed 2.5 to 3. C. There are areas that are very painful from surgery July 21st 2022. I have been into the dr. She says everything is fine yet after having to be hospitalized for 2 other things not related, there dr.s put me back on antibiotics. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what this very painful area might be.. any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks Tina Fleming.

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Hi Tina, You may wish to post your question about rash after mastectomy to this discussion:
- Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome


Hello there. I have learned from the Podcast "Boobs aren't worth dying for" that it is more important for us to balance our hormones to prevent a recurrence, than to block them. You can research this and find topics on the world wide web. It could be useful to look for a functional medicine coach, functional medicine doctor, or an integrative doc who believes in mixing western medicine and a natural/holistic approach. But I think functional medicine leans more natural/holistic than integrative. Some of these docs accept your health insurance. Good luck on your search.


This is at the beginning of the site linked above:

"You cannot heal as long as you carry a grudge, judgmental thoughts about things that happened in your life that you cannot forgive, or deep feelings of guilt and shame. – Dr. Henning Saupe"

I understand the connection between mind and body but this kind of thinking is just another way to blame us for our cancer.

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I look at me getting it as a perfect storm. Too many mammograms in my life (1 every 6 to 9 months beginning in my mid 30's because they saw something that was 'likely benign, but come back in 6 months anyway, just in case"), a traumatic event when I was 6 that I blocked out of my memory until I was 19 and my Mom reminded me of it, a damaging visit to my right breast on a chiropractor machine, my terrible diet (not enough fruit), 40 years of stress (I am 54 now), products like lotions and shampoo/conditioner that the FDA regarded as 'safe', the foods that the FDA approves with chemical ingredients, etc. The list can go on and on...Of course, I can't change my past. But I can affect my future. So I eat 90/10 now (90% super healthy, and 10% holiday and birthday foods...which means that 9 meals per month, I have a 'cheat meals' and the remaining 91 meals are as healthy as possible). I am getting more exercise, eating more fruit, speaking up when I need to (chiropractor), etc. The important thing is that we take responsibility. I am not blaming the FDA for my cancer. I am taking responsibility now for my health. When we know better we do better (Maya Angelou).


About 6 months before her diagnosis, her estradiol level was about 80. At the end of June when her diagnosis was confirmed I loaded her up on Turkey Tail. Before starting Letrozole I had it checked and it was <10. I know Turkey tail is an aromatase inhibitor. I’m interested in how much?

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What form of the turkey tail mushroom did you give to her?


I know you guys have seen me post this before, but it bears repeating. When considering complementary or alternative treatments, be open-minded yet skeptical. Learn about the potential benefits and risks.

As per the disclaimer for Mayo Clinic Connect
"All information shared by members on the Mayo Clinic Connect, such as messages, images, advice, URLs, and any other material, is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your health. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the community."

To help with your research, I found this article by a radiation oncologist who practising integrated cancer care in Australia. In particular, I think you may appreciate the studies she cites.
- Supplemental Mushrooms

Keep in mind that natural substances can also have toxicities, adverse side effects and treatment interactions.

Luckily, more and more cancer centers and oncology specialists are open to discussing and integrating complementary medicine. I hope each of you has an oncologist with whom you can speak openly about your interest and use of integrative and complementary medicine.

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That’s an awesome article…. Thanks for posting the link!!!!


What form of the turkey tail mushroom did you give to her?

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I use a brand from Host Defense. This brand was also used in a study for breast cancer, so I chose it. I don’t normally recommend anything, but like I said, it was used in the study. If you would like more information , I can help you


Has anyone here had experience using the Chinese Herb compound called Myomin? It supposedly is a natural aromatase inhibitor. Would appreciate any advice.


Has anyone here had experience using the Chinese Herb compound called Myomin? It supposedly is a natural aromatase inhibitor. Would appreciate any advice.

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I am going to ask my Chinese doctor about it. I have been using Chinese herbs tea since October. Had my left mastectomy on November 14th. My Oncotype is 16. Meeting my oncologist on January 25th.


That’s an awesome article…. Thanks for posting the link!!!!

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Thank you for the information you have provided.

Just wondering if your wife is also on an aromatase inhibitor? I seem to remember that she was and her oncologist also approved of the Turkey Tail IN ADDITION TO but I cannot find that earlier post. Could you refresh my memory?

I’m taking Anastrozole. In my 9th month and thankfully tolerating it very well.

Also, you are a very compassionate and caring partner which will also play a huge part of her healing. 🌸

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