Brain MRI and small vessel brain disease

Posted by sarah371 @sarah371, Jan 19, 2024


My recent brain MRI indicates 'moderate likely small vessel ischemic changes and moderate hyperintense T2/Flair signal of the corona radiata bilaterally'.

Do these findings possibly indicate small vessel brain disease that may be similar to my previously diagnosed coronary microvascular disease?

Thank you.

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@red79 That's a difficult diagnosis to hear. Can you share your symptoms and how you are coping with this diagnosis? Did you see a neurologist?

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Hi. Everything is on hold for now because I'm managing a fractured leg. Thinking of you and wishing you well. Take good care and all the best.


Hi. Everything is on hold for now because I'm managing a fractured leg. Thinking of you and wishing you well. Take good care and all the best.

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@sarah371 Oh, no! How did you fracture your leg? Are you able to get around? I hope you are recovering although I know recovery from a fracture can be slow. I'm getting over a cold that's been going around where I live. It's been a week and I'm still coughing. As I get older (I'm 72 years old) it seems that recovery from most anything takes longer


Hi. Everything is on hold for now because I'm managing a fractured leg. Thinking of you and wishing you well. Take good care and all the best.

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I hope you make a speedy recovery.was just wondering if you already have had a appointment with neurologist and if you know anymore than I I feel left in dark by neurologist that hasn't acknowledge me since then.x


I hope you make a speedy recovery.was just wondering if you already have had a appointment with neurologist and if you know anymore than I I feel left in dark by neurologist that hasn't acknowledge me since then.x

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@red79 I read through your posts and it looks like you had an appointment with a neurologist last October? Did the neurologist order imaging, an MRI? In my experience when someone is diagnosed with small vessel disease in the brain it warrants a discussion on how to prevent further disease. You wrote that you've had no follow-up with the neurologist you saw. Have you thought about getting a second opinion for a different neurologist?


@red79 I read through your posts and it looks like you had an appointment with a neurologist last October? Did the neurologist order imaging, an MRI? In my experience when someone is diagnosed with small vessel disease in the brain it warrants a discussion on how to prevent further disease. You wrote that you've had no follow-up with the neurologist you saw. Have you thought about getting a second opinion for a different neurologist?

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I haven't had a face to face appointment yet with neurologist only a phone call about results of MRI scan which was I don't know much information on small vessel disease of brain.ive been googling it.but wondering if anyone on here had more information about small vessel disease thanks for your reply


@red79 That's a difficult diagnosis to hear. Can you share your symptoms and how you are coping with this diagnosis? Did you see a neurologist?

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Hi Helen,I seem to be tired a lot dizziness, pounding headache,can't remember things,


Hi Helen,I seem to be tired a lot dizziness, pounding headache,can't remember things,

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@red79 Your symptoms must be affecting how you go about your life on a daily basis. What did the results of the MRI from last October show? I'd like to encourage you to talk with your primary care provider/GP about this since it sounds like the neurologist you saw last October hasn't followed up with you. It would be good if you and GP would come up with a plan for your next steps. A person diagnosed with cerebral (brain) small vessel disease needs to work with the physician on what is causing the disease and figure out what treatments are available so that the isn't a progression of the disease in the future. Will you call and make an appointment with your GP today?


@red79 Your symptoms must be affecting how you go about your life on a daily basis. What did the results of the MRI from last October show? I'd like to encourage you to talk with your primary care provider/GP about this since it sounds like the neurologist you saw last October hasn't followed up with you. It would be good if you and GP would come up with a plan for your next steps. A person diagnosed with cerebral (brain) small vessel disease needs to work with the physician on what is causing the disease and figure out what treatments are available so that the isn't a progression of the disease in the future. Will you call and make an appointment with your GP today?

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I will mention it when I go to see them about my blood pressure.thanks for reply.


@red79 Your symptoms must be affecting how you go about your life on a daily basis. What did the results of the MRI from last October show? I'd like to encourage you to talk with your primary care provider/GP about this since it sounds like the neurologist you saw last October hasn't followed up with you. It would be good if you and GP would come up with a plan for your next steps. A person diagnosed with cerebral (brain) small vessel disease needs to work with the physician on what is causing the disease and figure out what treatments are available so that the isn't a progression of the disease in the future. Will you call and make an appointment with your GP today?

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GPS don't seem to know anything about small vessel disease of the brain.

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