How do you get rid of Brain Fog?

Posted by myacct123 @myacct123, Apr 30 11:58am

How do you get rid of brain fog?

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I think there are many causes of brain fog, so I'm not sure there's one good answer.

I've had frequent episodes of it since my stroke. From what I can tell, some are caused by fatigue, some by my brain healing, some by dehydration, some by illness, some by nutritional deficiency, and others by something I can't determine.

So I try to get as much sleep as possible (my Problemo Numero Uno since the stroke), eating well, drinking lots of water, taking some supplements, and by practicing stress-reduction.

When my brain is healing (what I call a "software upgrade"), it takes over in ways I can't control. I just wait it out and see what happens. For example, starting about January 1st, I felt totally preoccupied. Then about a month ago, I started being able to use my stroke-affected hand much better, and most of the fog has cleared.

Maybe that's not a very helpful response, but that's been my experience. I hope your clears quickly!


Simply wonderful attitude

I too have Brain Fog as a result of having Systemic Lupus Theramatotus and Raynoud Syndrome. Complements of my genetic deck of cards. Water water water 👍. 🙏🏻


As @scotttrl wrote, brain fog can be caused by many different things. Knowing the cause can help to find the right solution. Sometimes it's a matter of learning to cope and live with brain fog.

@kuma, several members with autoimmune conditions are talking about brain fog in these related discussions:
- “Chemo Brain” of brain fog in autoimmune diseases
- Dealing with brain fog: What helps you?

There are many more

Have any of you heard of the Spoonie theory? Check out this discussion:
- How do you plan your day and conserve energy? Are you a Spoonie?

@myacct123, you posted your question in the Depression & Anxiety support group. Do you think that medications, a medical condition or mental state are contributing to your brain fog feeling?



What a wonderful gift 🎁 I just woke up from another nap. 😴 I wish you and the Mayo team were simply around the corner. This condition is most challenging because Sally, while still challenged by cancer and on going chemotherapy, finds a way to move in high gear helping out daughters and grandchild on top of gardening etc etc,

Have a wonderful weekend.


I've had two years of extreme stress and I think that the source of brain fog. Sometimes It comes when I haven't slept well, when I'm hungry, when I have indigestion. or when I'm worrying about something. Age is also a factor.

It helps to focus on one task. When that is completed, I have accomplished something and my brain clears.

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