Bottom of feet turn white when wet….not a callous

Posted by noelle25 @noelle25, Jul 26, 2023

After using a metal foot file tool at home, certain parts of the bottom of my feet turn white and the area is slightly raised when they are wet, mainly the skin that was treated with the file. No itching, burning or any other symptoms. I’m not sure what this is. I’ve researched online and found others with the same problem, but no one has an answer. When feet are dry they look fine, just a slight discolouration, a little darker than the rest of the skin on the feet. I’ve tried otc anti fungal cream, Vicks Vapor rub and currently trying hydrogen peroxide and vinegar soaks. Nothing seems to be working.
What is this and how do I treat it. Have a dr.s appointment in a few weeks, but just wondering if anyone has had this and how I can treat it. Thanks!

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I’m the OP
My feet are back to looking normal 100%
Time and gentle pampering are the key
The cause, like was discussed in previous posts, was over exfoliating the skin on the feet, especially the aggressive, steel grater type foot files
Skin on the bottom of your feet are meant to have callouses
Removing all of them results in skin trauma and your body trying to repair itself, resulting in the way my feet looked in the photos
This took a few month BTW so be patient

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Hi Noelle ,

this has happened to me, please can you advise what oils / moisturisers you used.

Thank you


Anything I had on hand. Oils, moisturizers of any brand. Don’t over think it.
The main point is to let your feet heal after the trauma of over exfoliation. Time and patience are your friends.


I have this!!! Had it for almost 8 months and guess what I used also? I’ve literally seen every gp going tried steroid creams fungal you name it I’ve had it I got obsessed with foot care and ended up really taking too much skin off now it’s damaged . Is there a way to contact you privately. Cheers look forward to hearing from you!

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Hey Kron567,
Could you please tell me what did you use, because I have the same problem..

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