Bottom of feet turn white when wet….not a callous

Posted by noelle25 @noelle25, Jul 26, 2023

After using a metal foot file tool at home, certain parts of the bottom of my feet turn white and the area is slightly raised when they are wet, mainly the skin that was treated with the file. No itching, burning or any other symptoms. I’m not sure what this is. I’ve researched online and found others with the same problem, but no one has an answer. When feet are dry they look fine, just a slight discolouration, a little darker than the rest of the skin on the feet. I’ve tried otc anti fungal cream, Vicks Vapor rub and currently trying hydrogen peroxide and vinegar soaks. Nothing seems to be working.
What is this and how do I treat it. Have a dr.s appointment in a few weeks, but just wondering if anyone has had this and how I can treat it. Thanks!

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Hi kron567,
After heeding Sue’s advice, I am seeing some improvement! I stopped self treating with antifungals, peroxide, vinegar, even Vicks lol.
I saw my GP recently and she thinks I was just too aggressive with the exfoliation and really aggravated the skin. She thinks it’s just trying to repair itself and build up a new callous. She didn’t think it was fungal or any other infection.
She said to just continue moisturizing and remove any hardened skin gently.(not a steel foot file)
It’s not completely gone, but I’d say 60% better. I think with time this will heal.
Try just pampering with oils and creams and letting the skin on your feet repair itself.

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Smashing job cheers! 🙂


Hi kron567,
After heeding Sue’s advice, I am seeing some improvement! I stopped self treating with antifungals, peroxide, vinegar, even Vicks lol.
I saw my GP recently and she thinks I was just too aggressive with the exfoliation and really aggravated the skin. She thinks it’s just trying to repair itself and build up a new callous. She didn’t think it was fungal or any other infection.
She said to just continue moisturizing and remove any hardened skin gently.(not a steel foot file)
It’s not completely gone, but I’d say 60% better. I think with time this will heal.
Try just pampering with oils and creams and letting the skin on your feet repair itself.

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I’ve just got some oil can I ask what oil you got?? Has it worked I’ve tried so much different creams etc nothing has worked what routine do you follow cheers 🙂


Coconut oil and different moisturizers, whatever I have on hand, so nothing special. Slather them after bathing and let the skin on your feet absorb.
Putting socks on after moisturizing at night before bed is a good idea too. I tried a few times and ended up taking them off during the night because it was just too hot.
I was obsessed with getting rid of this and tried so many things like I mentioned in my previous post, probably aggravating it and making it worse.
I just tried to forget about it and I applied moisturizer day and night, sometimes in between during the day if I was at home.
After about 2 weeks I gently exfoliated with a wooden file, just enough to get some of the rough skin off, but careful to not over do it.
Best thing is to just try and leave it alone and just pamper with your favourite moisturizer. Hope that helps!


Coconut oil and different moisturizers, whatever I have on hand, so nothing special. Slather them after bathing and let the skin on your feet absorb.
Putting socks on after moisturizing at night before bed is a good idea too. I tried a few times and ended up taking them off during the night because it was just too hot.
I was obsessed with getting rid of this and tried so many things like I mentioned in my previous post, probably aggravating it and making it worse.
I just tried to forget about it and I applied moisturizer day and night, sometimes in between during the day if I was at home.
After about 2 weeks I gently exfoliated with a wooden file, just enough to get some of the rough skin off, but careful to not over do it.
Best thing is to just try and leave it alone and just pamper with your favourite moisturizer. Hope that helps!

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That’s great thanks have you seen a difference yet? It’s so frustrating feels like it will never go!


Hey have you any updates as I’ve tried the same routine as yourself and not seen any improvements thank you


Hey have you any updates as I’ve tried the same routine as yourself and not seen any improvements thank you

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Hello hello
Yes i have the same! Becoming more and more!
It looks horrible when wet! Super white!
Anyone knows what it is?

Please help!


I have had this also and I've been able to figure out what it was exactly I have been to the dermatologist and had punched biopsies on it and confirmed that it was not psoriasis or eczema. The only thing that has worked has been drinking probiotics, prebiotics and Kefir. It has decreased the inflammation by almost half


I’m the OP
My feet are back to looking normal 100%
Time and gentle pampering are the key
The cause, like was discussed in previous posts, was over exfoliating the skin on the feet, especially the aggressive, steel grater type foot files
Skin on the bottom of your feet are meant to have callouses
Removing all of them results in skin trauma and your body trying to repair itself, resulting in the way my feet looked in the photos
This took a few month BTW so be patient


If the foot conditions you are describing are not responsive to emollients or sweat prevention drying
agents it may be a condition called pitted keratolysis.
It can be suspected if magnification by the dermatologist shows a pattern of tiny pits in the surface
skin layer. If they are see and the skin has not been recently washed fluorescent lamps can show a pink
tint from common bacteria overgrowth. It is treatable
with prescription antibacterial lotions.


Hey I have the exact same things I’ve been dealing with it for years…. Have you found a solution!?

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