Migraine: Did botox work for you?

Posted by johnetteg @johnetteg, Nov 25, 2018

I had Botox injections for migraines 2 1/2 weeks ago and have been feeling sick. My vision is blurry, I have pressure in my head, I’m lightheaded, I’m having heart palpitations, high blood pressure and heart rate, my stomach has felt sick, I’m having trouble concentrating and focusing. Has anyone else experienced this? It’s really starting to scare me.

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I am finding that they are very expensive and not all are covered. At $1-2k a month, my medicare with additional drug coverage with the doctors valudation forvuse is still $600 for one injection.

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Oh my! That is expensive indeed! Medication costs are prohibitive in the US. I live in Ottawa, Canada, and my insurance covers 80% of the balance that is not covered by the province. I do hope you find a solution to your pain! Take care


I too am using aimovig injection I started at a low dose and after a year it wasn't working for me so my GP increased my dosage to 140 mg/ML and Ubrelvy 100 mg as needed between monthly injections. It is working for me so far so maybe this may work for you. Wishing you the best.

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I did the same thing and like you it did work for awhile but then it stopped again. Waiting now to get approved for a pain clinic. Hopefully there is something else I can try.


I’ve been informed by my neurologist that Botox is used only when migraine headaches are or become chronic - 15 or more days a month. When you are having that many bad migraines a month you may also be experiencing the other manifestations of migraine like stomach distress or dizziness. I do.
I’ve just started Botox bc my headaches became daily. I’ve
not had any symptoms beyond what the migraines cause.
No success yet in reducing daily headache but it takes a few attempts to determine.


I did two rounds of 78 shots. Did nothing so I stopped because I worried about my eyes. I have macular degen and glaucoma. Doc said she would put them in the back of my head but they are still toxic and I worry.

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