Body vibrations when falling asleep or waking?

Posted by cricketlips @cricketlips, Jun 2, 2022

After many google searches for the reason I feel vibration in my head, shoulder and arm just before falling asleep and waking, I found nothing that satisfactorily explained it. Of course anxiety seems to be a common explanation but there was nothing specific enough to help me. I am currently reading Incognito by David Eagleman. It discusses the functioning of the brain as an organ. This morning, going through my routine to get ready for work, I thought of a way to understand the vibrations. Similar to the hypnic jerks we experience occasionally just before we fall asleep, I think the vibrations are intended to arouse me to stay vigilant. Which is the fight or flight mechanism in action. So there is the anxiety connection. Originating in the amygdala. I was thinking Parkinson's or MS but my symptoms don't indicate those conditions, thankfully. It seems counterintuitive to be anxious and sleeping at the same time but the brain can do that. The cerebral cortex sleeps but the life support systems of the brain must stay online, obviously. If you thought you were in danger, sleeping would put you at risk but at some point sleep becomes absolutely necessary. I think the vibrations I have been experiencing are caused by my sympathetic nervous system and not a neurologic disease. Thankfully !

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Welcome @wramer81, Thank you for sharing your experience. I thought I would post the link you wanted to share for you. As a new member you will be able to post links after short period of time which helps us prevent spamming.

-- Internal Vibrations: Is it MS, Parkinson's, or Something Else?:
Since you mentioned MS, I thought you might be interested in the following discussion:
-- Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - please introduce yourself:
Do you mind sharing what you were searching for when you found Connect?

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Internal vibrations and tremors before and after falling asleep. I've also found in my research that almost all people who started doing this within the past 2 years that I came across had it start shortly after having covid or getting vaccinated. Within a month. So that us something to think about. I've seen recent studies that many with covid or the vaccine are experiencing internal vibrations for unknown reasons and mostly before and after sleep. If you look up internal vibrations and covid you can get the studies.


Internal vibrations and tremors before and after falling asleep. I've also found in my research that almost all people who started doing this within the past 2 years that I came across had it start shortly after having covid or getting vaccinated. Within a month. So that us something to think about. I've seen recent studies that many with covid or the vaccine are experiencing internal vibrations for unknown reasons and mostly before and after sleep. If you look up internal vibrations and covid you can get the studies.

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And the research was purely antidotes. Not actual medical research. Just Google searches and putting things together from different studies and people's comments and testimonials. Many say, but I didn't have covid. But did you have the shot? Yes! So it's both covid and the vaccine. I have yet to come across anyone that has had this issue and questioning it as a sudden on come since covid came into the picture unless they have MS, Parkinson, or some other neurological disease, or severe anxiety. Which we know are the main causes. However a recent up tick in people experiencing it all seem to be linked to be covid related. M do have MS, but mine start within a month of healing from covid.


Glad to have found this thread. I have vibrations/tingling in my head and extremities every night when I am falling asleep, sleeping and when I wake up. The sensations are enough to keep me awake or wake me up. Sleep is a battle for me every night and it is one that I am losing. I have had extensive medical evals, diagnostic testing and imaging, all have come back normal. I get a lot of muscle weakness and twitching during the day from the lack of sleep at night. I have seen 5 neurologists with no success. Physiatrist has been most helpful for me as we work through different types of medication to try and find relief. Current med that helps the most is Klonopin or Olanzapine. Has anyone here found anything that helps? I am currently not able to keep this under control and feel as though no one in the medical community can help.


So very sorry, pseubring, to hear about your awful suffering! My vibrations/tingling isn't nearly as bad as yours, but I, too, have not been able to obtain a diagnosis. I feel the sensations in my extremities 24/7, but am most aware of it when trying to go to sleep, and upon awakening in the morning. A neurologist I saw for EMG testing (which found no explanation for my problem) suggested I try taking 400mg magnesium glycinate (gluconate) daily. By the way, that is higher than the recommended dosage, so although it's sold OTC, you'd want to get approval for that from your PCP (or some other doctor on your team). It helped reduce the sensations slightly, but I finally decided it wasn't worth the torture of trying to swallow the gel capsules, which are just a bit too large for me, and I was trying to choke down 2 every night. I empathize with your struggles toward finding an answer for what is causing the sensations. Hope you can find a treatment which will help reduce your sensations and, at the very least, allow you to sleep! I wish you well, and hope your situation improves.


I had COVID in December and have long term GI issues with body vibrations. Still working on my GI issues.


Hello everyone !

Sorry for my mistakes, english is not my native language. Hope you will understand me anyway !

Before talking about my symptoms (and treatment), I have to say the first ones arrived before I had Covid. I had Covid only this year in june 2022. I'm pretty sure in my case this has nothing in common with covid vaccines but only with neurologic issues.

I had cervical hernia for years (not knowing it !) and two years ago I met a neurologist to help me with this condition. No vibration, just typical hernia symptoms. My neck muscles were very contracted, I couldn't sleep with my head heading to the right side for example.

My neurologist gave me an antidepressor, not for anxiety but for his relaxing effects : amitriptyline (in France, its name is "Laroxyl") : it worked. It takes times (1,5 year like every nerves issues as said by my neurologist) but it worked : no more contraction in my neck, no more pain, no more ticklings in my arms. Great !
I started noticing vibrations during this period (only at night). At first like a buzz in my foot (like a phone buzz, very strange : bzz...bzz...bzz). It disappeared with time.
Then a vibration appeared on my whole face that waked me up, and disappeared only when I was full awake or when I stood up to go to the bathrooms. Not very often but time to time.

I wanted to stop taking Laroxyl, first because I felt that my hernia was gone, and also because one side effect is that you sadly gain a lot of weight (10% of your body weight...). I stopped it a few days and the vibrations gone worse : one night I didn't sleep at all, I slept for 20 minutes then the vibrations waked me up, slept again 20 minutes then vibrations, etc.. (still only on my face and neck).

I talked about that with my neurologist : I had an EEG (nothing), and the doctor said to me to continue the Laroxyl treatment (5 drops plus another drug, Neurotin, one pill before sleep), it didn't seem to bother him, not because he doesn't know what it is, but because he thinks it's not very serious.
The treatment seemed to work fine for a few weeks but recently vibrations came back. It felt like my neck, face, arms or hand muscles are on a on/off mode, very quickly. It's not shaking, my hands are still for example, but I feel it, like a river flow or a fridge buzz. It's internal, not visible from the outside but I can feel it by touching my skin. It's sometimes more intense and kind of frightening ! But no pain at all, the only problem is that I don't sleep well. Recently, I started feeling the vibrations during the day (arms, legs, neck), so I decided to take more drops of Laroxyl (10) (during my hernia treatment, I took 15 drops of Laroxyl every evening, and more at the very beginning).

I don't know how long the vibrations will be there, maybe years, forever, ... ? My guess is that my muscles were contracted for so many years that maybe it's hard for them to be relaxed. Or is that the follow-up stage of the heal ? The nerve issues can last a long time, even if the problem is solved said my neurologist. I'll meet my doctor in two months, maybe I'll have more informations.

Hope this helps, and sorry again for syntax and other mistakes 🙂


I wake up some morning with my head throbbing and vibrations through out my body. Some says stronger than others..No symptoms associated with Parkinson’s or MS either.
I have neuropathy from chemo treatments and there could be some association with it. I’m Seeing a neurologist to be on the safe side.


Hello everyone !

Sorry for my mistakes, english is not my native language. Hope you will understand me anyway !

Before talking about my symptoms (and treatment), I have to say the first ones arrived before I had Covid. I had Covid only this year in june 2022. I'm pretty sure in my case this has nothing in common with covid vaccines but only with neurologic issues.

I had cervical hernia for years (not knowing it !) and two years ago I met a neurologist to help me with this condition. No vibration, just typical hernia symptoms. My neck muscles were very contracted, I couldn't sleep with my head heading to the right side for example.

My neurologist gave me an antidepressor, not for anxiety but for his relaxing effects : amitriptyline (in France, its name is "Laroxyl") : it worked. It takes times (1,5 year like every nerves issues as said by my neurologist) but it worked : no more contraction in my neck, no more pain, no more ticklings in my arms. Great !
I started noticing vibrations during this period (only at night). At first like a buzz in my foot (like a phone buzz, very strange : bzz...bzz...bzz). It disappeared with time.
Then a vibration appeared on my whole face that waked me up, and disappeared only when I was full awake or when I stood up to go to the bathrooms. Not very often but time to time.

I wanted to stop taking Laroxyl, first because I felt that my hernia was gone, and also because one side effect is that you sadly gain a lot of weight (10% of your body weight...). I stopped it a few days and the vibrations gone worse : one night I didn't sleep at all, I slept for 20 minutes then the vibrations waked me up, slept again 20 minutes then vibrations, etc.. (still only on my face and neck).

I talked about that with my neurologist : I had an EEG (nothing), and the doctor said to me to continue the Laroxyl treatment (5 drops plus another drug, Neurotin, one pill before sleep), it didn't seem to bother him, not because he doesn't know what it is, but because he thinks it's not very serious.
The treatment seemed to work fine for a few weeks but recently vibrations came back. It felt like my neck, face, arms or hand muscles are on a on/off mode, very quickly. It's not shaking, my hands are still for example, but I feel it, like a river flow or a fridge buzz. It's internal, not visible from the outside but I can feel it by touching my skin. It's sometimes more intense and kind of frightening ! But no pain at all, the only problem is that I don't sleep well. Recently, I started feeling the vibrations during the day (arms, legs, neck), so I decided to take more drops of Laroxyl (10) (during my hernia treatment, I took 15 drops of Laroxyl every evening, and more at the very beginning).

I don't know how long the vibrations will be there, maybe years, forever, ... ? My guess is that my muscles were contracted for so many years that maybe it's hard for them to be relaxed. Or is that the follow-up stage of the heal ? The nerve issues can last a long time, even if the problem is solved said my neurologist. I'll meet my doctor in two months, maybe I'll have more informations.

Hope this helps, and sorry again for syntax and other mistakes 🙂

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I totally understand what you are saying, and thank you for sharing. It does feel like a switch On/Off situation. It's not really the On (buzzing) that bothers me, it's the Off that seems to be frightening. Like you might not necessarily notice the buzzing if it wasn't shutting off. When it stops it kind of flips a switch in your brain, like oh no! That is the frightening part.


I have the same… vibrations when falling asleep or waking up, in my head, chest and sometimes arms…sometimes mild, sometimes all night. I attribute them to cervical nerve compression or stenosis because they appeared around the same time. But now, as my neck improves and the vibrations persist, I wonder if they are related.

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Hello Trait,

Have you had any results or diagnosis explaining the issue? The same exact thing is happening to me, for nearly a month now. In my case however, it often also happens when I'm falling asleep, but in general, I wake up after the same number of hours.


I am having the same thing happen to me at night...but not every single night and of differing intensities and durations.. Vibration/buzzing/tingling mainly around the chest and collarbone area. Seems like around the same time between 1am and 4am. Sometimes I change my position and they go away, other times I have to get up and walk around until they will subside enough to go back to sleep. I am a 69 year old male and live a pretty heathy lifestyle although I do have a couple cocktails before dinner. This never happens during the daytime.

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