Bipolar Questions

Posted by jonespeony @jonespeony, Jul 7, 2022

Hello all,

I'm writing as the ex-partner of someone with bipolar disorder, and I'm working to try and learn more about it.

Long story short, my ex ended our relationship out of the blue after she had a medical scare (that perhaps was a trigger for this mood shift). She did this even though her closest friends and family members told her she was making a mistake. The medical scare ended up not being as serious as the doctors thought, and so she is now feeling a lot of relief. I can only imagine she was immensely stressed and scared during the month of time when the outcome was unknown. (Note - she is medicated, in therapy, eats well, exercises to manage moods.)

My first question is, do the behaviors below seem like a bipolar episode?
- seemingly impulsive decision to end our relationship
- pushed away close friends and family members
- was suddenly cold & distant towards me - tone shifted, body language shifted.
- days before the doctor appointment, she told me she was so in love, was telling her friends how happy she was, was excited for our future, etc.
- When I talked to her, it's like her body was present, but her mind was gone - she just stared off into space, wouldn't make eye contact, barely responded.
- had trouble sleeping after the appointment, was extremely tired.
- didn't talk to any friends/family about the breakup after it happened.
- Acted like she was FINE when spending time with friends - to the point where they are somewhat concerned.

My second question is, if someone is experiencing a (hypo)manic/depressed/or mixed features episode, once the stressor is removed, does the person come out of the episode quickly? Or is it a slow recovery back to a baseline? What is your experience?

Thank you in advance for your help & patience with my questions.

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Hello @jonespeony and welcome to Mayo Connect. You ask some very good questions, however, your questions could probably be better answered by a medical professional who specializes in mental health evaluation and treatment. If you have read about bipolar disorder, you probably know that there are different types. Some have a psychosis element and others are more of a mood disorder.

Here is a link to information from the Mayo Clinic website, titled "Bipolar Disorder" that helps describe the different types of Bipolar disorders, If you click on the link you can read more about this mental health disorder.

Was your ex-partner evaluated by a behavioral medical professional? If so, he/she probably determined which type of Bipolar disorder she has.

Please know that a relationship with someone who has Bipolar Disorder can be compromised and often the ups and downs associated with the disorder can wreak havoc on relationships. To learn more about mental health issues, I would encourage you to contact NAMI, a national organization that offers education and support for patients and family members who are dealing with mental health issues. Here is the link to their website,

Has she been in contact with you since her concern about her physical health has lessened?


Hi, thanks for responding. Yes, she has been with a psychiatrist and psychologist for years. I'm not sure which kind of bipolar she lives with. I know she has never experienced psychosis, but has experienced mania before.

She has not been in contact with me, so I don't know how she's doing right now. I'm hopeful she is able to re-regulate and at least reestablish contact with her family & close friends.

I'm mostly just worried. ...but it's not my place to worry anymore, I guess.


Hi, thanks for responding. Yes, she has been with a psychiatrist and psychologist for years. I'm not sure which kind of bipolar she lives with. I know she has never experienced psychosis, but has experienced mania before.

She has not been in contact with me, so I don't know how she's doing right now. I'm hopeful she is able to re-regulate and at least reestablish contact with her family & close friends.

I'm mostly just worried. ...but it's not my place to worry anymore, I guess.

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Hi @jonespeony

It sounds as if you are adjusting and that is a good thing. Have you had experience with other friends and/or family who have had mental health problems?


Yes. My mom suffered from major depression. My brother has bipolar disorder, though he refuses treatment & medication.


Hi @jonespeony, just some information to get you started.
~ What It's Like to Be Bipolar
~ Bipolar Support Groups

Reference info: Bipolar disorder | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness:

Everything You Need to Know About Bipolar Disorder:


Hi @jonespeony, just some information to get you started.
~ What It's Like to Be Bipolar
~ Bipolar Support Groups

Reference info: Bipolar disorder | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness:

Everything You Need to Know About Bipolar Disorder:

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Thank you. I've researched all of these resources. I appreciate your help.


@jonespeony I describe my challenging journey with a Bipolar diagnosis as being the two extremes either happy or depressed with no middle ground (balance). The recovery process from these extremes is a slow process at least in my case.


Hi @jonespeony, just some information to get you started.
~ What It's Like to Be Bipolar
~ Bipolar Support Groups

Reference info: Bipolar disorder | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness:

Everything You Need to Know About Bipolar Disorder:

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I've looked at the link on the bipolar support Groups and the most recent post was from 2018. Anything more recent?


I have taken 300mg of Seroquel at night for several years due to severe bipolar hypomania. It has caused severe constipation. I can only have a bowel movement after taking 4 Dulcalax tablets once a week. I told my doctor that I want to eventually get off the Seroquel and she said to cut the pill in half every other night. But the first time I took the 150mg dose, I didn't get any sleep. So I am back to taking the full 300mg pill. I don't know what else to do. I guess I am just venting.


@johnfeldman Have you tried Miralax when taking medication. Eating greens like spinach or kale?

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