Begin coughing up mucus before I even get out of bed in the morning
Do others have this issue? When I wake up in the morning I am already coughing up lots of mucus for about a half hour or more before I even get out of bed. While I know it’s good to get out as much as possible, I dread the morning. I am exhausted before I even start the day. I also wake up at least five times during the night so I am very tired all the time. I doubt there is anything I can do about this, but I just wondered if I am alone or are others in this kind of situation also. Thank you.
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So glad you asked this question with your explanation of how things are for you. I was somewhat under the impression I was the only one with the all day problem.
Yes, mornings begin with much need to clear the sputum. I also nearly cough all day long and as well have to clear the sputum when I wake up at night. I wake up at least three times a night. Hard to know if it is my bladder awaking me or the sputum that comes up to my throat. For me, I chew tiny piece(s) of stick gum (throughout the day and for a while upon waking at night before going back to sleep) and it seems to loosen it all and helps me get what I can up and out before trying to fall back to sleep. My choice of gum is the Extra Polar Ice. Never have I chewed gum but, for me, it does give me some relief...not sure why. I chew the heck out of the small piece of gum and try not to have more than a stick and a half within 24 hours. I don't drink water through the night with one reason being the possibility of GERD/Acid Reflux and another reason, water seems to cause more mucus to form and the need to clear out the sputum.
I find it all is worse after I eat, and I understand that a couple others mentioned in another thread, it being worse after eating.
I have noticed that after the day of all I have done I bring up more mucus plugs early evening.
Yes, it does cause one to hesitate from being with others and I hope with time and all we do to help clear the lungs daily, that will change.
The local pulmonologist I "ran" to first in my journey to find a pulmonologist specializing in BE, Bronchiectasis, also did not mention anything to do other than to buy a PEP devise and learn to use it. He did not mention nebulizing or any method to clear the lungs of the mucus/sputum.
How long have you been doing the routine you started with? I find it has taken me much time to find my way to what is best for me. I am still learning with the help of those here on Mayo.
Is it worse for you after eating?
Have you had to take antibiotics for a MAC infection?
Is it normal to cough up sputum all day? I use nebulizer 3% saline and smart vest twice a day and usually get up lots of sputum. I still find that I am coughing up a lot of sputum all day. Good? Bad? Change in routine?