Bad/unsettling dreams while on different meds.

Posted by mlspear @mlspear, Jul 9, 2023

Hi. In the morning I take Pristiq, L-methylfolate, and Atenolol.
During the day I take Klonopin as needed.
Night meds are Lamictal and multivitamin.

Every night I have had terribly bad dreams. Some of them border on evil. Some include people from my past that I should not dream or even think about.

Has this happened to anyone else?


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I have deams over and over that I am running to somewhere frantically. Then I wake up and realize I need to take a trip to the bathroom.


I am not giving medical advice, but I have taken several medications over tine. As a balance is found between meds and as we absorb them to eventually build up to a long term response, there can be many ups and downs and many of these end up in our dreams, which many may not have at all prior to medications either because typical dream activity is not noticeable or we we were self medicating in some other way that impairs dream cycles, such as marijuana or alcohol or a frenetic life and overstimulus.

In terms of those we keep deep in our thoughts, this is the time they will arise from the waters of our own subconacious, stirred by our conscious acknowledgement that the changes in our brain chemistry are purpose driven, as we have begun to tackle a block in life we would not face before. While medications are building up to working levels in our bodies, this is the time to have these dreams and I may suggest, go to sleep ready for a journey and you shall have one, follow the water to what your mind needs you to know. For myself, once the meds are working, the dreaming tends to return to some normalcy. If and when you plan to wean off medications, consult your doctor, as dreams may return. Perhaps watch M. Night Shamalan's the Sixth Sense to get an idea of how something terrifying may only be scary because it needs your attention for something better 🙂 Bon Journeé

PS. A Dream Journal may help. Dreaming is part of the healing, shadow-work and recovery.


That's an interesting thing to think about. Have you noticed anything about when you started or stopped past or present medications/supplements and changes in your dreams/dreams recall?

Have you ever noticed whether it makes a difference what time of day you take some things?

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