Back home at the Mayo AZ, what a relief

Posted by azkellyw @azkellyw, Jan 29 10:23am

Hi all ... I'm back where I belong!

I had my first re-establishment appt on Monday and it sure felt good to be "home" again. I sorely missed the Mayo in AZ and even though I haven't been there in six years it felt like yesterday. And as usual it's the only place where I feel I get real answers to my questions and this time makes the hospital group I've been with look like they have no clue what they are doing.

I had an hour long appt followed by labs. He reaffirmed that TIPS is the wrong way to go and won't fix what needs to be fixed so I'm really glad I got this last minute cancellation appointment instead of having to wait until April because I probably would have gone through that procedure with the other group.

We covered all topics and he answered all the questions that have gone unanswered for months. My MELD is still down at 10 and the platelets are at 100. So he wants to just stay on the regiment I'm on now with the meds I'm taking and continue to find a way to get the Rifaximin.

With the legislation that passed from the gov't last year for patients not paying more than $2000 a year on medications, pushed me out of the Bausch Patient Assistance Program for affordable Rifaximin. The Mayo resent my application to see if might get through. I'm not expecting any type of change from December but who knows with the way things are changing so fast with this administration it might have changed already.

In six months when we will reconvene and make some plans. I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off me because I was the one who was guiding my health and frustratingly never getting answers and since the spleen surgery in April, I can't even get the hep at the old hospital to even show up for appointments.

Sorry this message is kinda scrambled but my brain is overwhelmed right now and I can't think clearly especially without sleep. I just can't sleep any more and it gets old being tired all the time.

Anyway, I am so glad I came to the decision to go back where I was welcomed with open arms and look forward to the future. If not for this group I probably would still be deciding what to do.

Thanks for listening to my rambling....
Kel W

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Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience about recent visit to Mayo. Glad you were able to get a sooner appointment due to cancellation.


Hey @azkellyw, I'm just catching up on this message now. Welcome home. 🙂

How are you doing? What are your next steps?

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