Getting off lorazepam (Ativan). What was your taper schedule?

Posted by grumpypants @grumpypants, Mar 11, 2023

Hi. I know it may sound like I'm questioning my doctors decision, but it's not that. Long story short I've been on 0.5 ativan for 1 year. During this year I've also taken 0.5 in the morning 2 times and tapered down 2 times also.

Now I've started tapering the 0.5 i was taking in the evening (for 1 year), following my doctors tapering schedule. It consists of skipping 1 day 6 times(that means 1 day i take it, 1 day i don't for 6 times). Then i move to skipping it for 2 days x 6 times and so on.

I'm wondering if it's not to fast? What should i expect? If anyone has been in a similar situation.

Thank you all.

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I took 4 mg for 8 days to get off lunesta now hooked on Ativan how can I get off or taper off


I took 4 mg for 8 days to get off lunesta now hooked on Ativan how can I get off or taper off

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Have you only been taking it for 8 days? If so, I would suggest cutting it down to 3 mg for a week, then 2 mg for a week, then 1 mg for a week, then .5 mg until you feel ok. If you are experiencing any kind of serious symptoms, get in touch with your PCP. They can help you wean yourself off of the Ativan. It is dangerous to just stop taking it. Hang in there.


I took 4 mg for 8 days to get off lunesta now hooked on Ativan how can I get off or taper off

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You’ll be fine. Don't overthink this “hooked” thing. You’re not dependent or hooked. Stay busy and go on with your life.


I took 4 mg for 8 days to get off lunesta now hooked on Ativan how can I get off or taper off

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That was a short time. You will be fine. You are not hooked yet.


I took 4 mg for 8 days to get off lunesta now hooked on Ativan how can I get off or taper off

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Get on a benzo website on FB, they can show you. People do not realize how highly addictive this is even in a week. . You must go SLOW on easing yourself off. Majority of Drs and people will try to get you off fast which results in bad withdrawals. I was on it for a month, which turned into 4 months because could not find help. If anyone suggest an antidepressant to get off, run away. They make it worse. Or fast cuts. Finally found help on a Benzo site and currently doing a slow water taper which will take me several months to finally get off off 0.5 mg of lorazepam. Slow tapering is a must. That was a high dose you were on. FDA has already issued a black box warning on how addictive this poison is and it is imperative you wean off slow. Also check U tube for water tapers or cutting.


I took 4 mg for 8 days to get off lunesta now hooked on Ativan how can I get off or taper off

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You do not need to water taper, or anything else. And stay away from the benzo websites. Too much drama on these sites. The vast majority of people on these sites have much more wrong with them than Benzo dependence. Stop now and you’ll be okay. I took Xanax for 25 years at 3 mgs. per day and had no need to water taper. Too much silliness very about this very complicated water tapering on these various benzo groups. I can’t believe that no one knows that Benzos come in a liquid that can be used for tapering purposes if necessary. 8 day users are very successful with just stopping. Please don’t get yourself all wrapped up in this. You’ll only make yourself crazy. Just stop and move on.


I took 4 mg for 8 days to get off lunesta now hooked on Ativan how can I get off or taper off

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I have nothing wrong with me and it was the only way I could find help.
Complicated water taper??? No it is very easy and effective. Telling someone to just stop cold turkey??? Shame on your ignorant response. Everyone is different and this poison affects everyone differently. And yes I know about compounding Pharmacies and how expensive liquid benzos cost to make. Do your research sir instead of making assumptions about what you don’t know. If you think a water taper is complicated then obviously you know NOTHING.


I took 4 mg for 8 days to get off lunesta now hooked on Ativan how can I get off or taper off

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For those folks telling people to just stop taking benzos, just know that benzo withdrawal and alcohol withdrawal can kill a person. Other drugs, you may feel as if you want to die, but benzos and alcohol withdrawal can cause seizures and death. Be careful, not everyone's body is the same.


You do not need to water taper, or anything else. And stay away from the benzo websites. Too much drama on these sites. The vast majority of people on these sites have much more wrong with them than Benzo dependence. Stop now and you’ll be okay. I took Xanax for 25 years at 3 mgs. per day and had no need to water taper. Too much silliness very about this very complicated water tapering on these various benzo groups. I can’t believe that no one knows that Benzos come in a liquid that can be used for tapering purposes if necessary. 8 day users are very successful with just stopping. Please don’t get yourself all wrapped up in this. You’ll only make yourself crazy. Just stop and move on.

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I have been on xanx for 13 years. It started off slowly and noe i am tah 1.5 mg/day
In ready to get off the
Any help is appreciated


I have been on xanx for 13 years. It started off slowly and noe i am tah 1.5 mg/day
In ready to get off the
Any help is appreciated

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Speak to your doctor about switching over to Valium. It has a much longer half life than Xanax and is much easier to taper off. Google the Ashton Manual. It’s a step by step guide to tapering.

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