Asymptomatic MAC

Posted by circleup @circleup, May 21 8:15am

I was accidentally diagnosed with MAC, while pursuing another diagnosis. I do have nodular lung disease. I am completely asymptomatic, no fever, no cough, no sputum. . . . .just fatigue. Have had bronchoscopy, cultures and smears to confirm the MAC diagnosis. I feel fine. The want to start me on the BIG three. The ID is not very forthcoming with patient education. I am afraid of the side effects of these drugs. Plus Alikares was discussed. I do have long history of lung problems, colds/flu/ asthma/ bronchititis/ pleurisy/ pnuemonia ever since early teens, (now 67) My blood chemistry doesnt even show i have an infection. I dont want to take medication to get myself sick with side effects. The ID has already written the scripts for the Zithromax and rifampin and wants me to take it twice daily for 12 months, never mentioned monitoring. I feel fine, i dont know what to do. . . .but i guess feeling fine isnt the issue, lol.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.

I was diagnosed with Mac in 2019. I have a cough but no other symptoms. Like you, I am very apprehensive and my pulmonologist and I are taking the wait and see approach. Another words, no antibiotics. I've been nebulizing with 7% hypertonic saline which is known to create an unfriendly environment for the MAC bacteria thus slowing the growth. I also do airway clearance, use the Aerobika device simultaneously while nebulizing followed by 20 minutes with my Hillrom compression vest. This is a daily routine. I am not sure, with your other conditions, if this is a good approach. For me, however, it has proven to be good thus far. The saline has helped tremendously and my cough has decreased significantly. I wish you well and hope you find the right approach.


@circleup Your situation is similar to mine. I’m a seemingly healthy 53 yr old, I have no symptoms, (although do have mild bronchiectasis) bloodwork looks fine - however NTM bacteria was found in sputum culture and bronchoscopy. The pulmonologist and infectious disease doctor were ready to put me on the antibiotics right away; when I asked if the presence of bacteria correlates directly with disease and they said ‘no, not always. Or you could have an infection that is transient, not true infection. We don’t know”. I opted to do ‘watchful waiting and have a CT scan in June. I’m hoping I’ve made the right decision and every day exercise, healthy eating, airway clearance and Mucinex is definitely a chore, but I’m hoping it makes a difference?

On a side note, I’m doing EVERYTHING I can - eating probiotics like kimchi and kefir, upping my Vitamin D intake, putting on a few pounds to get to 22 BMI, running 2 miles a day, taking NAC supplements, using Acapella device, huff breathing, postural draining, opting for baths not showers, avoiding indoor and outdoor dust by masking when I need to. If anyone else has tips or tricks to share, please do!! Haven’t been boiling water regularly, there’s only so much time in the day!


I also had no symptoms when I had MAC other than a low SAO2 which was running around 85%. I took the 3 ABX with no side effects , you may be surprised how well you tolerate them.


@circleup Your situation is similar to mine. I’m a seemingly healthy 53 yr old, I have no symptoms, (although do have mild bronchiectasis) bloodwork looks fine - however NTM bacteria was found in sputum culture and bronchoscopy. The pulmonologist and infectious disease doctor were ready to put me on the antibiotics right away; when I asked if the presence of bacteria correlates directly with disease and they said ‘no, not always. Or you could have an infection that is transient, not true infection. We don’t know”. I opted to do ‘watchful waiting and have a CT scan in June. I’m hoping I’ve made the right decision and every day exercise, healthy eating, airway clearance and Mucinex is definitely a chore, but I’m hoping it makes a difference?

On a side note, I’m doing EVERYTHING I can - eating probiotics like kimchi and kefir, upping my Vitamin D intake, putting on a few pounds to get to 22 BMI, running 2 miles a day, taking NAC supplements, using Acapella device, huff breathing, postural draining, opting for baths not showers, avoiding indoor and outdoor dust by masking when I need to. If anyone else has tips or tricks to share, please do!! Haven’t been boiling water regularly, there’s only so much time in the day!

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Asked the same questions about doing nothing and the consequences. They said i would be more susceptible to any respiratory infections and the recovery would be difficult. Just got the meds today and waiting on Alikares. I am still on the fence about treatment.


I also had no symptoms when I had MAC other than a low SAO2 which was running around 85%. I took the 3 ABX with no side effects , you may be surprised how well you tolerate them.

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My only real symptom is the fatique and alittle short of breathe with activity, alot of lung nodules. Just got my meds today and waiting on Alikares. I hope i can tolerate the meds. But still on the fence about whether or not to proceed with treatment.


Asked the same questions about doing nothing and the consequences. They said i would be more susceptible to any respiratory infections and the recovery would be difficult. Just got the meds today and waiting on Alikares. I am still on the fence about treatment.

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Good luck! Keep us posted


I was recently diagnosed with MAC and bronchiectasis. I am being treated by an infectious disease Dr. At a teaching hospital in Portland Or. OREGON HEALTH SCIENCE UNIVERSITY
I'm in a clinical trial. Like most of you I was so apprehensive about starting this long treatment of a year or two. My breathing was getting worse by the day so I truly had no choice. I take only 2 drugs Azithrymicin and Ethambutol.
3 days a week at night with ice cream.. yes.... that IS EVEN ON RX!! LOL
NO SIDE EFFECTS and great results. In 2nd week my breathing improved 50%....I still Have bit of a cough & fatigue but now in 4 th week that's even better. I exercise daily, walking and strength training and I get lots of rest . Use nebulizer And the flutter. I'm so excited to feel so improved..I truly thought I was headed down hill fast. I was not my self at all.
My team of Dr's are amazing... my best advice is to be proactive.... well read about your lung disease.. and a part of your team.
This is all coupled with autoimmune hepatitis so my liver and lungs fight one another. My immune system is so compromised that I get bacteria in my lungs easily.
I've been depressed but, found freedom in exercise... and dancing put a smile on my face.
My treatment working so fast gave me HOPE!

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