Chronic pain - Let's talk

Posted by leh09 @leh09, Mar 23, 2016

Are there any discussions for chronic pain?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.

I am new to this today i joined - i am an a 84 old man and recently i went to a nepthrologist to keep tabs on my kidneys due to i have diabete 2 however have had it in check for 45 years now with metformin. This specialist wants me to start on Jordiance and i am not that familiar with it - sounds like a lot of side effects -and also he says i can continue to take 500 mg of metform twice a day. I dont have kidney disease at this point and would love to avoid that of course. I eat pretty healthy - walk a lot - do light exercise inside - have good days and some not so great - but most are tolerable. My muscle mass has receded i notice hahahah I wonder why? Can anyone comment on the Jordiance as i am told there are quite a few side ffects... something i want to avoid if possible. Is this how i start a conversation on this site. It is wonderful and I am in Toronto Canada...


Yes, there's a whole section on chronic pain.


I’m done going to pain clinics. They can no longer help me. I’ve become immune to hydromorphone. It’s like taking Tylenol now because I have been taking it for too long. I’m allergic to morphine, and I get sick from Oxycodone. Pain pumps/pain stimulators don’t work with my type of pain per four doctors. I’m at a loss because I don’t get relief of any kind and my pain level is worse then torture.

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I had no choice but to hook up with pain clinic. None of my providers are allowed to prescribe pain meds similar to what I took in the past. Opoids in modest doses provided the only effective pain relief I had in 30 years.
On Butrans now at a low starting dose. I need dental surgery and must jump through many hoops just to get post operative meds for surgery! So frustrating...
Everything hurts. I am 69 with a variety of documented chronic diseases. THC/MJ/CBC are all available but do not address my pain.
My heart goes out to those who have struggled with addiction. But where is the compassion for the millions
suffering daily with no quality of life?
A rhetorical question-- I
Just needed to talk it out.


I’m in the same boat! I’ve been smoking since I lost my appetite last fall. Twice I’ve tested positive for thc. But my pain management doctor knows my appetite is depressed and the weight I’ve lost. He prescribed Remoran ?sp? which is a appetite stimulant he prescribes for his cancer patients. It did nothing for me but maybe it could work for you. Since I was tested a couple months ago I probably won’t need another until next year but I need to stop now. Looks like it’s likely I’ll need spine surgery but praying it’s not that bad

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The doc did prescribe that. It didn’t help with my pain and it made me really tired. After only taking a few I threw them away.


I am new to this today i joined - i am an a 84 old man and recently i went to a nepthrologist to keep tabs on my kidneys due to i have diabete 2 however have had it in check for 45 years now with metformin. This specialist wants me to start on Jordiance and i am not that familiar with it - sounds like a lot of side effects -and also he says i can continue to take 500 mg of metform twice a day. I dont have kidney disease at this point and would love to avoid that of course. I eat pretty healthy - walk a lot - do light exercise inside - have good days and some not so great - but most are tolerable. My muscle mass has receded i notice hahahah I wonder why? Can anyone comment on the Jordiance as i am told there are quite a few side ffects... something i want to avoid if possible. Is this how i start a conversation on this site. It is wonderful and I am in Toronto Canada...

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I am 83 and take Jardiance for heart failure. I take 1/2 of a 25 MG tablet in the morning and have had no side effects from it. I am sure to keep well hydrated because that is a side effect from what I understand.


I have had serious pain issues in my neck and upper body. Though this started long ago I have also had severe spinal disease from degenerative disc disease. I’ve had 3 surgeries in 2022 and have a MRI Monday because of sudden onset of worse pain. This is exactly what happened last summer and it turned out to be the worst spinal stenosis yet at 7mm. I also have a demyelinating large motor neuropathy in my legs and arms. I absolutely despise the looks I get picking up my pain meds. I’m with a pain medicine doctor who is also chief of staff at one of the best hospitals. Yet the main chain pharmacy close by the hospital and myself refuse to fill his prescriptions. He also is the hospital’s main director for hospice and cancer patients Thankfully the pharmacy who works directly with the hospital and fills most discharge meds will dispense the meds but they do give me a hard time I feel. I would prefer not to be on meds because when I need surgery I can’t get adequate relief due to my tolerance from them. On the other hand, these meds are most needed waiting for surgery. It seems never ending. On top I learned I now have significant scoliosis in my lumbar area that started giving me trouble earlier this year. The orthopedic surgeon said I’ll probably get to a point where surgery may be needed for that and that’s a really painful back surgery


I had no choice but to hook up with pain clinic. None of my providers are allowed to prescribe pain meds similar to what I took in the past. Opoids in modest doses provided the only effective pain relief I had in 30 years.
On Butrans now at a low starting dose. I need dental surgery and must jump through many hoops just to get post operative meds for surgery! So frustrating...
Everything hurts. I am 69 with a variety of documented chronic diseases. THC/MJ/CBC are all available but do not address my pain.
My heart goes out to those who have struggled with addiction. But where is the compassion for the millions
suffering daily with no quality of life?
A rhetorical question-- I
Just needed to talk it out.

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Hi Joy o
The only thing that works for me is prednisone. 76 years old, chronic back pain. On 10 mg and doing good. Will try to go down to 7.5
But if pain comes back I will up it till it goes away! At 76 years old I am sick of hearing Dr tell me not to take it.


@neri47 yet your doctor still refills your prescription? The long term negative effects of prednisone are well known. From blood vessel breakdown, kidney damage, weight gain just to name a few. Your doc is correct and there are other less harmful meds for inflammation you can take. Although, you don’t say why you’re taking it? Then again at 76 you are making your own life choices and me at 71 cannot knock you for your choice but, I just want to make you aware of the dangers. Living your last years suffering from one of the nasty adverse effects of long term prednisone use will be no pick nick for you and I wish you well.


I had no choice but to hook up with pain clinic. None of my providers are allowed to prescribe pain meds similar to what I took in the past. Opoids in modest doses provided the only effective pain relief I had in 30 years.
On Butrans now at a low starting dose. I need dental surgery and must jump through many hoops just to get post operative meds for surgery! So frustrating...
Everything hurts. I am 69 with a variety of documented chronic diseases. THC/MJ/CBC are all available but do not address my pain.
My heart goes out to those who have struggled with addiction. But where is the compassion for the millions
suffering daily with no quality of life?
A rhetorical question-- I
Just needed to talk it out.

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I’m not certain in what state you reside? I’m also on buprenorphine (Butrans) for chronic pain and Percocet for breakthrough pain. But I began using cannabis and after a year of trial and error I use tincture THC 20mg 3x day and tincture CBD 150mg 3x day and no longer have breakthrough pain.
I also started on a low dose 15mcg x7 days and after a month upped to 20mcg x7 days and love it. Since acute narcotics are short acting I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble getting pain meds for dental care. On Monday last week I had an implanted post removed due to infection and I only needed Tylenol 500mg x2 for pain and lots of ice packs.


I’m not certain in what state you reside? I’m also on buprenorphine (Butrans) for chronic pain and Percocet for breakthrough pain. But I began using cannabis and after a year of trial and error I use tincture THC 20mg 3x day and tincture CBD 150mg 3x day and no longer have breakthrough pain.
I also started on a low dose 15mcg x7 days and after a month upped to 20mcg x7 days and love it. Since acute narcotics are short acting I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble getting pain meds for dental care. On Monday last week I had an implanted post removed due to infection and I only needed Tylenol 500mg x2 for pain and lots of ice packs.

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I have been off Butrans for one week and taking nothing else prescribed. I even gave up Advil until today but my excuse is a sprained ankle.
I'm in georgia. I have the finest doctors. I blame it on new rules and and regulations that keep pain meds extremely closely monitored!
I've been prescribed a couple days worth of hydrocodone for post-op. And yes, ice packs are my friends!
By the way, medical marijuana is available here but not on my income! Thanks for your response.

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