Apple Watch accuracy ?
I’ve recently read that the Apple Watch, in Apple’s own research, is only 35 % accurate in picking up instances of AFib. I hope that this itself is wrong as the watch is amazingly good in other areas. I would be interested in any comments about this smart watch’s accuracy.
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Hello, I saw your comment and would like to suggest something to you,,,if it won't be unwelcome. You may already be aware of this, in which case please disregard, and you needn't even reply if you wish...I won't be offended:
If there's even a modest chance that you are having some extended runs of PACs, there's a good chance it indicates a problem with the ablation and that you may even be having, or will eventually have, a return to AF. This is quite common after an ablation for AF. So, if you are at risk, and are not currently on a DOAC, please think about it. There is always that greatest risk from AF, it being stroke, that you should bear in mind when dealing with iffy stats, whether they come from a smart watch, a Kardia, or a 12 lead ECG properly administered. Even if the true burden you cite is really only half that, there's some risk of a stroke for you.
Thanks for the input, and it is most welcome - I've always enjoyed the comments you provide on this board. I had PACs before the afib stuff. I had my mitral valve replaced in 2020, and I'm pretty sure that caused the PACs as I didn't have them before. The afib was actually an asymptomatic thing that the cardiologist caught a year ago. I've been on Coumadin since the surgery, and I have my fingers crossed that the afib has been taken care of and the PACs are benign. This may be TMI, but I also have an aneurysm in my aortic root (4.8cm) so I am "blessed" with plenty of heart issues to manage.
I wear an Apple Watch. I had episode of AFib that lasted all night. My watch picked it up. Every other day it shows 2% or less.
I have had problems with PVC-PAC burden as high as 25% and my Kadia has never reported it as Afib.