Anyone who has a pacemaker and wears a Fitbit and sees no deep sleep?

Posted by brightwood @brightwood, Mar 21, 2023

I got my Fitbit Inspire 2 a couple of years ago to track for restorative sleep, and it worked well for me until it didn’t because it couldn’t classify my sleeping rhythm any more last Fall. It was one of my clues to intermittent short electrical blockages/ lightheadedness, but I didn’t recognize it because my only real heart concern was lots of pvc’s. Long story short, I got hooked up to a 30-day event monitor in mid-December that alerted to a 4.5 second blockage on New Year’s Day and by January 5th had a two-lead PM implanted. Prior to this issue my heart rate in deep sleep was 45-54-ish. My implant is set for 60-130 Bpm, and has been a 62-beat straight line on the Fitbit graph since the surgery. But the readings for REM and Deep sleep are consistently negligible. And this weekend the resting sleep rate dropped to 58, which I wouldn’t have thought possible with my new bionic safety net. It doesn’t seem important enough to bother my new cardiologist about, but I hope someone out there might have experience or info to share. Thanks.

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