Anyone Taking Mirtazapine for Sleep?

Posted by dfb @dfb, Jan 24 12:26pm

I've recently titrated off of 450mg of Venlafaxine that I had been on for fifteen years. While I was on it I would wake up every two hours until they put me on 150mg of Seroquel, but that makes me depressed and groggy, so I no longer take that.

Even though I am no longer on Venlafaxine I still wake up every two hours. I believe, and I think my provider now agrees, that the sleep disturbances are at least contributing to my depression and anxiety, if not the cause.

Soooo, my primary care provider has ordered a sleep study that I don't suspect will find anything. And my psych provider has just prescribed Mirtazapine. I of course have looked it up but I'm interested in any first hand experiences with the drug.

Does it help you sleep through the night?
Where you able to stop taking it?
How bad where the side effects?

Thank you for any information you can provide.

May you live in peace and good health.

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Thank you!

Has your appetite increased? I understand weight gain can be an issue.

Increased body fat exacerbates depression and I don’t need that.

Thank you again.

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Not much increase in appetite, but I have gained some weight. About 5 lbs over ~ 2 months.
From what I’ve read I think it has something to do with how certain fats are metabolized (don’t quote me; I’m not a doc). I’ve cut back on simple carbs, sugar & portion size to help combat it.


Thank you for your feedback. So far I've experienced very little benefit from the drug. I'm very careful with my diet and exercise regimen. Any weight gain would have to be metabolic. I'm not sold on this drug as a solution to my sleep disturbances.

Thank you again.


I took this years ago for sleep. It didn’t help me sleep and it gave me restless leg syndrome. I’ve never done well on drugs, always bad side effects.


I just complained to my provider that I am not getting any relief from this medication. She told me to take one and a half pills and she'll talk to me Friday. I suspect she just wanted to shut me up, because when I told her I had already tried that, she told me to give it a couple of days.

I'm tired of being patted on the head and told to wait a few more days.

I wonder what it is going to take to get them to take me seriously!

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