Anyone taking jardiance .?

Posted by selima109 @selima109, May 10, 2024

My blood pressure was still high at times
I am taking other meds too
Jardiance new I started taking today

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Jardine I took it gave me a massive UTI antibiotics for that then 1 week later in hospital with a really bad kidney infection no more of that for me but no other medication going back to check


Hello @selima109. Jardiance is typically prescribed from managing blood sugars in people with Type 2 Diabetes. It does have some secondary benefits according to medical data. If you don't mind sharing, were prescribed Jardiance because you were diabetic, or to help specifically with your HCM?


Thanks for reply (Jardiance)
I have HCM.
Also 2stents
And am borderline Diabetic
I was told it’s helps HCM.


Justin I was reading your profile
You seemed your life ,had a few ups and downs
Awesome you are doing well
And good family support.


I’m am taking Jardiance for my low ejection fraction. No side effects so far.


Hello @selima109. Jardiance is typically prescribed from managing blood sugars in people with Type 2 Diabetes. It does have some secondary benefits according to medical data. If you don't mind sharing, were prescribed Jardiance because you were diabetic, or to help specifically with your HCM?

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To help with HCM I am also a diet controlled diabetic


Thanks for reply
I was wandering if they given me too many meds?
I don’t know if I should have second opinion?

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