Anyone experience changes in your menstrual cycle?

Posted by 2tnt @2tnt, May 13, 2023

My menstrual cycle was regular prior to my covid vaccine. Now it is all over the place and recent blood work put me in the post menopausal range despite still getting a period (whenever it decides to show up). Please tell me your story, testing done and successful treatments you've had. Thanks

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Right?? It has been crazy. Got Covid and had a very heavy period that lasted 2 weeks— full on, post pregnancy heavy . When I wrote (Pt portal) my gyn abt the bleeding, she freaked out, said it must be Ovarian cancer. I had read (survivor core) and knew better. When I got out of quarantine my period was all over the place. I’ve been on HRT for over 10 years, and suddenly very symptomatic. My Blood work showed NO estrogen— despite being on my HRT! I had to double my HRT patch, and it was really bumpy. It’s gotten better since then—Not as bad, but I have my period again ( I thought I was almost done w/it! pre-Covid)..
So now—I still get a period, it’s light to mid, comes at weird times and I never know how long it will last. Sound familiar?


I was also slammed into this covid menopause. No estrogen also. Thyroid took a dive as well.i think only 2 periods since September when I had my second round of Covid.
Hot flashes are horrendous.
Trying LDN.(LDN has its own thread under Covid)


I also had disruptions from both the COVID vaccine and COVID, where I started having a period every two weeks. Over the course of 8-9 months, it finally returned to my normal 30 day interval but it did lessen my volume. I was 49 the first time it occurred with the vaccine and 51 when I got COVID. For me, it was mentally distressing as I was/am still trying to have children.


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Hi! Covid seemed to have pushed me into perimenopause, with fewer periods that finally disappeared. It was attributed to menopause (I was 45). No tests were done.

Weirdly, I had repeats of a slightly less severe form of the symptoms I had during Covid that coincided with my periods and continued along my normal cycle even after my periods stopped. That went on for around 8 months.

This was in 2020. Now my periods have started coming back after having been gone for a year. I have not had another episode of Covid-like symptoms since February 2023.

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