Anyone else half asleep after CHF?

Posted by tadueo @tadueo, Jun 24, 2023

I have a very low energy level and sleep often during the day after having CHF. Rather be 100% awake or as a last resort, 100% asleep.
Need help. Doc's are clueless.

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Hi @tadueo, I don't have CHF but have had my ups and downs with fatigue and finally was diagnosed and treated for sleep apnea. It's taken me well over a year before getting back to a somewhat normal level of energy. Another thing that has helped me is to get up and moving around with some morning exercises even when a little tired.

While we wait for others with congestive heart failure to share their experience, here is some information from Cleveland Clinic with some suggestions that might help if you haven't already seen or tried them:
--- Is Heart Failure Causing Fatigue? Here’s How to Increase Your Energy:


Hi John,
That's good info. Thanks.
Let's hope you don't get CHF as its traveling companions are nasty.


Have you tested for sleep apnea? Do you take diuretics? Symptoms can make you tired sometimes, keep heart rate steady. Keep positive outlook. Rest when you need to


Thanks for your comments.
I don't have sleep apnea but sleep like a log at any time.
I do take diuretics, primarily Furosemide, and have been taking them for years. I tried taking it every other day and my feet and ankles swelled up like balloons and my BP shot up. Went back to every day. Awful stuff.
I'm an artist and paint every day trying to keep my attitude up'
I'm going to find out if they can operate and fix my leaky mitral valve which is the cause of my CHF.

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