Research on COVID 19 vax causing Essential Thrombocythemia?

Posted by dressler02 @dressler02, Jul 2, 2022

I’ve seen very little about what causes a genetic corruption that leads to iessential Thrombocythemia. However i’ve been going back and acquiring past blood tests to try and pinpoint a timeline. One thing that seems to keep constant is that my changes in blood measurements did not seem to happen until after my first J&J shot for Covid 19 vaccination. I know the J&J shot had some bad press about causing a rare blood clot in mostly females. That does seem to have some minor relevancy. However, When i ask my Cancer clinic they seem to disregard it as just bad luck and say there are no known studies on it. However something had to cause the gene to corrupt. I cannot find any research on it. Does anyone know any studies in correlation to blood disorders and say the J&J shot? Or any other vaccinations causing this corruption of genetics or any other identified causes?

Thank you,


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I have heard that covid vax makes them decrease for a while..not increase. I have had 7, at first , I wondered if all due to covid vax, but looking at my labs, they started trending up before covid existed

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A decrease is seen with ITP. I have ET. I've been tracking data on my platelets since 2014. They were normal until I started getting COVID-19 shots. They go up each time I have a COVID shot. Following the COVID and RSV shots in Fall 2023, they went up another 100K. As of this week, I have to take HU 4x a week. I'm not taking the Covid booster recommended for 65+. I will keep wearing my mask. I have not caught Covid or any other illnesses in 4 years, but I am immune suppressed by taking oral chemo. Oral chemo gives me chronic fatigue.


Research is needed on platelet increases with Covid Shots and ET. I am in several support groups online and it's a real concern and it's not being addressed.


I also had a nasty reaction to the covid vaccines, but it was a lot better than if I had gotten covid. I'd rather have my wonky immune system ramp up than get extremely ill. I'm old enough that I had measles. Most vaccines in "the old days" were based on weakened bacteria or virus that couldn't infect us. The mRNA vaccines are proteins or other pieces of the bacteria or virus that are used to trigger our immune systems to attack the "real" invaders. There is a lot of research now on covid and associated reactions to infection, and vaccines. There is also a huge amount of misinformation on it (vaccines do not cause autism, bleach and dewormer don't work). Research takes time, which occurs during and following the pandemic. Some people refused the covid vaccine because "it came out too soon" (but after millions worldwide had already died), however, the vaccine was based on decades of genetic research and collaboration across countries. Are there a lot of unknowns about covid and the vaccine? Of course.

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I lost 2 sisters to COVID and they were both boostered. I think that there is a strong link between COVID, as well as the vaccines to blood disorders.

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