Research on COVID 19 vax causing Essential Thrombocythemia?

Posted by dressler02 @dressler02, Jul 2, 2022

I’ve seen very little about what causes a genetic corruption that leads to iessential Thrombocythemia. However i’ve been going back and acquiring past blood tests to try and pinpoint a timeline. One thing that seems to keep constant is that my changes in blood measurements did not seem to happen until after my first J&J shot for Covid 19 vaccination. I know the J&J shot had some bad press about causing a rare blood clot in mostly females. That does seem to have some minor relevancy. However, When i ask my Cancer clinic they seem to disregard it as just bad luck and say there are no known studies on it. However something had to cause the gene to corrupt. I cannot find any research on it. Does anyone know any studies in correlation to blood disorders and say the J&J shot? Or any other vaccinations causing this corruption of genetics or any other identified causes?

Thank you,


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The covid vaccine has a mRNA fragment that triggers our immune system to that piece in a covid virus, which is how the vaccine ramps up our antibodies to attack the nasty virus. A poor analogy is chocolate chip ice cream; the chips (mRNA) are part of the ice cream, but you won't get brain freeze from eating a chip. Could the vaccine ramp up your immune system to go after other things? Shingles is from the Chicken Pox herpes virus; if you have had it then the virus is dormant in your body. It can be reactivated by stress or illness. So, it might be good to make sure your Shingles and other vaccinations are up to date. The covid vaccine doesn't prevent covid, it decreases your chance of getting it and the severity if you do. Covid mutates too quickly to completely corral it. Things that don't mutate, like measles and polio, could be erradicated if enough people were vaccinated.

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IMHO, measles and polio and very different from Covid.
The first two had been identified in a lab and the vaccines developed from that showed a dramatic decrease in new cases of measles and polio. Like my friends, I got both of those vax as a child and never got measles or polio.
Many friends who got the C-vax still got very sick with it, some got sick several times. While anecdotal, this tells me it doesn’t work as advertised. Certainly not the way measles and polio vax work. What no one is saying is what else does the C-vax do to a body? I hope someone is collecting data.


IMHO, measles and polio and very different from Covid.
The first two had been identified in a lab and the vaccines developed from that showed a dramatic decrease in new cases of measles and polio. Like my friends, I got both of those vax as a child and never got measles or polio.
Many friends who got the C-vax still got very sick with it, some got sick several times. While anecdotal, this tells me it doesn’t work as advertised. Certainly not the way measles and polio vax work. What no one is saying is what else does the C-vax do to a body? I hope someone is collecting data.

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I also had a nasty reaction to the covid vaccines, but it was a lot better than if I had gotten covid. I'd rather have my wonky immune system ramp up than get extremely ill. I'm old enough that I had measles. Most vaccines in "the old days" were based on weakened bacteria or virus that couldn't infect us. The mRNA vaccines are proteins or other pieces of the bacteria or virus that are used to trigger our immune systems to attack the "real" invaders. There is a lot of research now on covid and associated reactions to infection, and vaccines. There is also a huge amount of misinformation on it (vaccines do not cause autism, bleach and dewormer don't work). Research takes time, which occurs during and following the pandemic. Some people refused the covid vaccine because "it came out too soon" (but after millions worldwide had already died), however, the vaccine was based on decades of genetic research and collaboration across countries. Are there a lot of unknowns about covid and the vaccine? Of course.


I had the same issue. My platelet count started at 400 and started rising after I had the covid shot. I also tested positive for RA after I had the vaccine. After seeing an RASpecialist and more tests which came back negative for RA, my platelets started rising, and have continued to do so. I tested positive for Et jak2 mutation. My last count was 601. I am only taking a low dose aspirin for now.
I am 78, and feeling good which is why I don’t want to go on any medication. I only had the first two shots, and will never have another one.

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I am seeing a naturopath Dr today. I will see what she thinks is best


I have E.T. - CalR mutation. Here’s the timeline of my Covid vaccines and my diagnosis:

- Pfizer Covid vac #1 on 3/16/21
- Pfizer Covid vac #2 on 4/13/21
- Pfizer Covid booster on 12/16/21
- Diagnosed w/E.T. on 1/26/22
with platelet count of 922,000

I find it hard to believe that this is a coincidence.
I think a huge problem with all of this is that it doesn’t seem like the physicians have to report this kind of “coincidence “ anywhere.


Please go to good hematologist. High platelets can result in stroke or heart attack, elevated platelets don't always cause obvious symptoms.


I have E.T. - CalR mutation. Here’s the timeline of my Covid vaccines and my diagnosis:

- Pfizer Covid vac #1 on 3/16/21
- Pfizer Covid vac #2 on 4/13/21
- Pfizer Covid booster on 12/16/21
- Diagnosed w/E.T. on 1/26/22
with platelet count of 922,000

I find it hard to believe that this is a coincidence.
I think a huge problem with all of this is that it doesn’t seem like the physicians have to report this kind of “coincidence “ anywhere.

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Hi @kbc. It’s understandable how some events can feel more than coincidental. From my research over the years, in the case of Covid vaccinations, there a few documented cases of people who developed thrombocytopenia, a decrease in platelet production. This can also happen with the measles, mumps and rubella vaccination.

The Covid vaccination hasn’t been shown to cause any genetic mutations such JAK2 or CALR which can lead to changes in blood production with disorder of the bone marrow called Myeloproliferative disorders or Myeloproliferative neoplasms.

Clearly your numbers after the vaccination are higher. Do you have a baseline of your platelet count prior to vaccinations?


There is no research on this because doctors will not report it. My doctor said there is no research results on ET and Covid vaccines but when I asked if he was going to report my case--no reply. All patients would have to report their suspected issues to the proper government agency in order for them to know about the need for research.
I also had slightly high platelets for 25 years in the range of 375-480 but no doctor was worried until I thought about having surgery. I had put myself on daily low does aspirin 20 years ago. In 2017 my hematologist tested for JAK2 with negative results. I didn't have the back surgery or any other treatment.
No platelet changes until 2022 after I had three Covid vaccines in 2021. By June 2023 platelets hit 650 and had another JAK2 test which was positive this time, very unusual. All these high risk changes after the Covid vaccines even though stable for 30 years. Seeing hematologist every three months with no additional treatment other than daily aspirin and platelets remaining around 650. High risk since age 72 but have had no history of blood clots.
I'm sure there are more of these stories, but the data is not getting to the proper authorities.


Hi Karla,
I had 7 vaccines in a 7 or 8 (?) month period…3 Covid, 2 Shingrix, flu, Dtap booster, Then I got a psoriasis rash on my legs and scalp. My platelets had been slowly rising for several years. So I do not blame it on the Covid booster but I do blame the psoriasis on all the vaccines.

Strangely, my son had the first Covid booster and a couple weeks later he got shingles on his face. I found info on line that some people had that happen.

I am trying to decide whether to get the RSV, Covid and flu shots. My primary and hematologist are telling me to get them.


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I did get the RSV shot and the new COVID shot in Fall 2023. My platelets started creeping up. By March 2024, they are almost 100K higher and my HU treatment has been increased from 2x a week to 3x a week, and now, it's 4x a week. I have not caught COVID-19 nor have I been sick at all during the pandemic from any illness. My oncologist suggests getting the Covid booster, but I am worried that my platelets will increase even more. So hard to decide what to do. My daughter is getting married in the summer and I want to be healthy, happy, and smiling at the wedding.
Take care,


I did get the RSV shot and the new COVID shot in Fall 2023. My platelets started creeping up. By March 2024, they are almost 100K higher and my HU treatment has been increased from 2x a week to 3x a week, and now, it's 4x a week. I have not caught COVID-19 nor have I been sick at all during the pandemic from any illness. My oncologist suggests getting the Covid booster, but I am worried that my platelets will increase even more. So hard to decide what to do. My daughter is getting married in the summer and I want to be healthy, happy, and smiling at the wedding.
Take care,

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I have heard that covid vax makes them decrease for a while..not increase. I have had 7, at first , I wondered if all due to covid vax, but looking at my labs, they started trending up before covid existed


There is no research on this because doctors will not report it. My doctor said there is no research results on ET and Covid vaccines but when I asked if he was going to report my case--no reply. All patients would have to report their suspected issues to the proper government agency in order for them to know about the need for research.
I also had slightly high platelets for 25 years in the range of 375-480 but no doctor was worried until I thought about having surgery. I had put myself on daily low does aspirin 20 years ago. In 2017 my hematologist tested for JAK2 with negative results. I didn't have the back surgery or any other treatment.
No platelet changes until 2022 after I had three Covid vaccines in 2021. By June 2023 platelets hit 650 and had another JAK2 test which was positive this time, very unusual. All these high risk changes after the Covid vaccines even though stable for 30 years. Seeing hematologist every three months with no additional treatment other than daily aspirin and platelets remaining around 650. High risk since age 72 but have had no history of blood clots.
I'm sure there are more of these stories, but the data is not getting to the proper authorities.

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@mw2023, I wonder if Moderna and Pfizer have data. The initial Covid Vaccines were definitely rushed through due to urgency, but they continue to study, I hope, anyway. I am not conversant with their Covid Vaccine studies, but I have been a participant in a long-term study (2.5 years and 6 months to go) study with thousands of participants across the country for Moderna’s RSV vaccine. It’s pretty comprehensive with a weekly health check in, 6 month exams including blood draws and I am to report any change in health status. They do follow up!
I do wonder if they do the same with the Covid vaccines? Then one has to wonder if they would be forthcoming…but I am getting in the weeds here.
I do know that physicians in academia love to report medical anomalies. I worked in a large Children’s teaching hospital and they actually scramble to study and write papers and have a hand in new research. I don’t believe it is reticence on their part to “report” but perhaps low incidence?
We are all so different in how disease presents and how it impacts our bodies it is really difficult to identify cause and effect. You and your medical team have to decide what works for you. Others will have to do the same. I guess life would be dull if we were each a carbon copy of others.
Have a great weekend.

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