Anxiety & Overthinking Everything

Posted by homoh @homoh, Sep 20, 2023

I get anxious lately about every little thing like I overthink much..So hard to sleep

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Thanks for posting. I have not posted until now.


Same for me . Mine started to get really bad after my husbands cancer diagnosis this year . I take klonopin . I worry about everything 24/7, it has ruined my life . I totally understand and I feel your pain . I am so sorry . Do you take anything ? Do you know what triggers it ?


Hi @homoh and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. @boblue, welcome as well and thank you for sharing your first post until now to Connect with @homoh. I'd like to also invite @shyviolet8, @annieb0188 and @bustrbrwn22 to this conversation as well as they have all discussed periods of anxiety as well.

@skullbasecancer4 asks a great question, have you discussed these feelings with anyone and what strategies are you currently trying that don't seem to be helping? Are there any specific triggers?


Hi @homoh and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. @boblue, welcome as well and thank you for sharing your first post until now to Connect with @homoh. I'd like to also invite @shyviolet8, @annieb0188 and @bustrbrwn22 to this conversation as well as they have all discussed periods of anxiety as well.

@skullbasecancer4 asks a great question, have you discussed these feelings with anyone and what strategies are you currently trying that don't seem to be helping? Are there any specific triggers?

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Yes I have discussed with friends and family..And I learnt how to calm myself…But it’s not been easy this past days…I have intense feeling of impending doom that was triggered by a recent death of someone popular …It’s hard to sleep


Hi @homoh and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. @boblue, welcome as well and thank you for sharing your first post until now to Connect with @homoh. I'd like to also invite @shyviolet8, @annieb0188 and @bustrbrwn22 to this conversation as well as they have all discussed periods of anxiety as well.

@skullbasecancer4 asks a great question, have you discussed these feelings with anyone and what strategies are you currently trying that don't seem to be helping? Are there any specific triggers?

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I don’t use pills though


Dealing with anxiety and overthinking can be challenging, but there are effective strategies to help manage these issues. One approach is mindfulness meditation, which can help you stay present and reduce racing thoughts.
Additionally, consider talking to a therapist or counselor who can provide guidance and support tailored to your specific needs. Remember, you're not alone in this, and seeking help is a sign of strength...


Yes I have discussed with friends and family..And I learnt how to calm myself…But it’s not been easy this past days…I have intense feeling of impending doom that was triggered by a recent death of someone popular …It’s hard to sleep

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I totally understand. I have intense feeling of doom, anxiety , depression and insomnia and unfortunately have to take meds . My husbands cancer has changed my life forever . I worry 24/7.


It also changed my life. I had to leave my job and now I'm not working. I had a nervous breakdown. Everything is so overwhelming. The thing that is helping me now is a long term DBT therapy program.


The last few years of 'life' has turned up the volume on the way we react to life's events now. The Covid virus, deaths of friends and family, Covid lockdowns, the state of the economy, the state of the world -- all this and more have contributed to our overwhelming feelings of gloom and doom! Two years ago my husband spent 40 days in ICU, intubated, in a coma, fighting for his life and much of it alone, because of hospital Covid policy. The rest of 2022 were a struggle with intensive rehabilitation to regain muscle that had atrophied, walk again, try to get back to a somewhat normal life, while I fought with insurance, doctors, hospital policy, bills, etc. New year, 2023, began with my husband having open heart surgery - much damage caused from Covid - followed promptly with an auto accident in January, and more heated conversations with insurance, doctors, hospital policy, bills, etc. So...... the fact that I can hyperventilate after a vehicle 'near miss' in an intersection, or feel depressed and overwhelmed after watching a night of news, or really anxious when I go to the doctor's office, well, it's no wonder, is it? I'm finally realizing that I must take care of me. Just talking with friends that listen, using all of the free, mental health resources - like this chat group - to take care of me. Take care of you. Wyola in Wyoming


I really appreciate everyone for their response…It really helped me alot….

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