Antiepileptic drugs and cataracts and macular degeneration connection?
I was told about 3 years ago I had cataracts and macular degeneration. Although that sounded bad I didn't pursue any treatment as the optometrist didn't suggest any and I had no problems afterwards up until now when I have noticed changes in my vision (close vision) but attributed it to old age. I went to another optometrist recently and she brought up those 2 problems but didn't suggest treatment just a wait and see attitude. I have decided to go to an opthamologist and see if he agrees with the prescription she gave me. I also want to know what he thinks. I' ll start by taking lutein and make sure I wear sunglasses.
I have been reading on the internet that there is a connection between taking antiseizure drugs and cataracts and possibly macular degeneration. I would like to give up the drugs but worry about that even though the drugs have never stopped my seizures. I'm thinking about alternatives but don't want surgery that is irreversible and may not help anyway (laser).
I haven't told my neurologist yet about this. He wants me to have a 3 to 5 day EEG which I don't really want to do. I guess that would help with his choosing a different drug. I don't have a lot of faith in EEGs.
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I had cataracts removed which got rid of my high intraocular pressure so no more drops. You should go to the Ophthalmologist least once a year. Not all our problems have symptoms and by the time you go to the doctor your vision may be permanently Impaired.
change to the medication never been effective I’d ask your doctor to recommend you to a Comprehensive Epilepsy Center to see an Epileptologist for a video EEG.
Like you I am very hesitant of seizure surgery. Heard about to many negative outcomes.
It’s not the EEG that you should doubt as much as the person interpreting it. Misinterpretations happen FREQUENTLY. Have you ever asked your neurologist if he’s had additional training in EEG interpretation. Topamax or as many refer to it because of it's side effects Dopeamax has various ocular side effects.
My neurologist offered me this drug and I flatly refused to take it.
My retinal doctor, Ophthalmologist & Optomrtrist all recommend PreserVision Areds2. It's made by Bausch & Lomb.
Take care,
My friend suggested to start taking a supplement every day. I have a bottle of the Bausch and Lomb which I never finished but I am going to start again now. I figure if I start taking a supplement and have a good diet that might keep it from getting worse. I have already pretty much cut out processed foods in my diet which hasn't been easy as I now have a lot of food prep. I figured maybe it would help my seizures as you don't really know all the ingredients in what we buy. I think it has helped some but think that sleep is very important too for seizures as is watching your carbs.
As far as the EEG I think that in my case my last one was a false negative as I had 2 while I had an at-home EEG. I don't know if
they are very reliable. Had one several years ago at a hospital but that showed nothing as it was only 1 hour. You probably remember the days when they gave you a drug before the EEG but they no longer do that. I do know a neurologist who has the training in EEGs. The
only problem was she suggested laser surgery at our first meeting. Which I now know may not even help and is permanent.
Thanks for your response Jake.
Hello @heal33. You will notice that I have included this post in the Eye Conditions Group as well to allow for others with macular degeneration to participate if interested.
@amandajro I'm scheduled for laser surgery this Wednesday, March 17, to help or alleviate high eye pressure. I'm wondering if any Mayo members have had this surgery and whether it helped. My surgeon told me there's a 4 out of 5 success rate, and if successful, no need for daily multiple eyedrops. I've had no success with eyedrops of every type, due to sensitivity, red eyes, red lids, soreness, itchiness, etc, so this is kind of a last resort suggestion by my eye specialist.
I also have loss of vision in one eye due to Giant Cell Arteritis and would love to connect with any GCA members who've experienced that.
I've had 3 previous laser surgeries for cataracts.
@artist01 Good luck with the surgery I haven't experienced anything like this but just wish you the best
Hello i had an Iridotomy for narrow angle glaucoma last March and was told that as I was on Glaucoma drops (for 2 years) before surgery that I would have to continue to use them (Latanoprost like lioness)...after surgery. Didn't make sense to me..
Are you having an Iridotomy for Glaucoma? June
@lacy2 I don't have glaucoma "yet" but eye drops six times a day. Sure hope the surgery works. I think it's a newer procedure.