Anoro vs Inhaler nebulizer for Bronchiectasis

Posted by wasylowski @wasylowski, Oct 2, 2023

Very new to this diagnosis so my questions are really dumb.
1. My husband has problems inhaling Anoro, or he is concerned its not getting into the lungs. Is this a common concern?

2. He started out in February with nebulizer inhaling Budesonide twice a day and Ipratropium and Albuterol four times a day. That seemed easier for him to inhale, it maybe it felt like just more meds.

Which is better or worse? Can t get clear answers from the doctors, and thanks everyone for any advise.

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wasylowski @wasylowski
The meds you mention, except for the albuterol, are not specifically for bronchiectasis. Perhaps he has asthma and/or COPD? I agree that that it seems like a lot of meds. If it were I, I would like to know what each medication was supposed to do and why. Sometimes less is more.

Lung clearance is top of list for bronchiectasis. After clearance I breathe more freely. To set the lungs up for maximal clearance -- to get as much gunk out as possible, my routine is:
1. With a full glass of water, swallow 1 tablet of NAC and/or mucinex
2. Nebulize liquid albuterol -or- take 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler with a spacer
3. Wait 15 minutes
4. Nebulize with 7% liquid saline
5. Begin lung clearance (see as starting point, better yet, ask doctor for referral to respiratory therapist).

Not sure I answered your specific questions so please followup with more, there is a lot of combined experience on this site.


@wasylowski Welcome to Mayo Connect.
Scoop is right - the medications your husband has been prescribed are more typically used for asthma and COPD.

Can you tell us a little about how your husband's bronchiectasis was diagnosed and what other conditions he has?
Also, is he being treated by a pulmonologist?


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