Am I crazy? I hear music in my head all the time since covid.

Posted by imlizard865 @imlizard865, Mar 9 11:41am

I have had covid twice. The last time was June 2023. It was very mild, like a cold. However, ever since, I hear music inside my head ALL the time, unless I am concentrating on something else. Also I have random, moderate attacks of vertigo. I haven’t shared this with my doctor, only my wife and a couple close friends. Are these hallucinations? It’s always music I know I have heard, but not always music I like. I am getting tired of it. I am certain that it started with my most recent bout of covid. Anyone?

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Does the music bring you joy?

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It doesn't bring me joy - or sorrow. Originally it brought me concern, but I have learned to live with it and accept it.


I had auditory hallucinations during the worst part of COVID-19. They were not concerning, I knew immediately that they were hallucinations and they went away. I did not tell my doctor, which was a wise choice because when new bizarre symptoms started appearing later with long covid, my doctors tried to psychologize my symptoms for several months.


I also had COVID nov 2022 . The first 6 days I don't remember being airlifted or in the hospital. In my head I had been kidnapped and sold for slave labor working in mines. Even when I started being more coharent ,days later, I didn't believe I was in a hospital. I even tried to escape by punching out a nurse but fell flat on my face being so weak. When I understood what was going on I apologized to nurse. Everything my mind was telling me was so real even when I was released and being home . I had feelings I was going to be taken. What I went thru I don't wish it on my enemies. A lingering result since COVID has and continues to be music all the time in my head.Its not like when a song is stuck . This is a jutebox that plays everything. Yesterday was Xmas music. I have to sleep with TV on to drown out music a little. I just wish I could turn it off . I'm sorry that other people are suffering but to be honest it helps knowing I'm not the only one . Thanks for listening


"Musical Ear Syndrome" is real, and you can learn to tune it out. Of the two, vertigo is more concerning. Low blood pressure can cause vertigo, and the low BP could be a side effect of other meds. Covid can do real neurological damage. Do talk to your MD ASAP about both music and vertigo - he may refer you to a neurologist. My neurologist was booked 6 months in advance, so best to discuss with doc ASAP.

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