[Alert] Links will not work in email notifications dated before Oct 1,

Email notifications help members stay in touch with other members on Connect. They notify you when a new post has been made or a new discussion started. On October 1, 2018, we are updating our email servers to better handle the growing activity on Mayo Clinic Connect and improve security.

The email system will work and look the same way it does now. However, as of October 1, the VIEW & REPLY links will not work in email notifications dated September 30th or earlier.

1. Review, read, respond to your saved notifications before October 1.

Email notification

2. Find the post by clicking the member’s @username at the top of the notification and see their post activity.

3. Use the onsite notifications if you don’t get a chance to review the notifications.
a. On a computer, laptop or tablet, see the bell icon

onsite notifications
b. On a mobile device, click the menu > notifications

onsite notifications mobile

4. Find a post by searching for key phrases from the message.
a. On a computer, laptop or tablet, click the magnifying glass icon
b. On a mobile device, type phrase in the search bar

5. Learn how to manage your notification preferences to receive the emails relevant to you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

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Can anyone tell me what cream or ointment they used on their knee that helped?


Can anyone tell me what cream or ointment they used on their knee that helped?

Jump to this post

@pjss48 I believe you may have intended your message about cream for your knee to have been posted here: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/partial-knee-replacement/


Hi everyone,
The email servers have been updated successfully. Your Connect email notifications are now sent from the sender @n1.hubapplication.com. Please update your “safe list” or “white list” so the Connect email notifications are not sent to your Junk or Spam or Trash folders.

For those of you who use filters to organize your emails and keep them from flooding your inbox, you will also have to adjust the sender information in the filter. Here is more information about using email filters:

- [Tip] Filter your Connect emails into a folder https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/tip-filter-your-connect-emails-into-a-folder-1/

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