After the infection is gone

Posted by deb65 @deb65, Aug 15, 2023

Hello all, my question is after the treatment is ended and the nocardia or pseudomonas is gone, how do you keep from getting infected again? Since this bacteria is in water and dirt how do you keep it away. That is my biggest fear is getting it over and over again. Thanks for any suggestions.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.

There is a Facebook support group called Lung Matters: Covid, Bronchiectasis, MAC, NTM, Nocardia, Pseudomonoas and More. They offer a lot of advice on how to do Airway Clearance Techniques (ACTs) to keep our lungs clear, mostly nebulizing with Saline and Albuterol, and taking other precautions. I just finished 2.5 years of antibiotics and I've been infection-free 6 months so far and intend to keep it that way.


Hi Brian, thank you for making me aware of the fb group I will check them out. Good for you being 6 mos infection free.


Hi Brian, thank you for making me aware of the fb group I will check them out. Good for you being 6 mos infection free.

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Take a look at what many of our members have to say about staying healthy after the antibiotics. There is no one-size-fits-all plan, and we need to find our own path.
For example, my bronchiectasis is stable, my infections held at bay for almost 4 years by 7% saline nebs, but no longer daily, with daily airway clearance. I do not boil my water, nor worry about showers, but I am cautious about soil contact, wearing a mask when I garden in dry soil. I have others handle my digging & mulching to minimize exposure. I swim in the ocean and outdoor salt water pools, but not indoor pools. I don't go neat hot tubs.


I give up with you guys. Have tried multiple times to login and failed.
Might you find an easier way to get answers??


Need to know have long I should expect to live with Interstitial lung disease, along with COPD (6-7) years.
Thank you, Linda Pirtle
I also have an ICD for years 2nd one. Palpitations since 27, I am 78 now.


Need to know have long I should expect to live with Interstitial lung disease, along with COPD (6-7) years.
Thank you, Linda Pirtle
I also have an ICD for years 2nd one. Palpitations since 27, I am 78 now.

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@francesca1 Welcome to Mayo Connect - we are a community of patients and caregivers who share our journey and experiences.

Lung diseases and their progression are highly variable, so any estimates I could offer would be purely a guess, not backed by any science or fact. The question you are asking would be better addressed to your care team, as we are not medical professionals, and don't know the details of your current conditions and your medical history.

What have your doctors told you to expect? Are you on oxygen full or part time?


Take a look at what many of our members have to say about staying healthy after the antibiotics. There is no one-size-fits-all plan, and we need to find our own path.
For example, my bronchiectasis is stable, my infections held at bay for almost 4 years by 7% saline nebs, but no longer daily, with daily airway clearance. I do not boil my water, nor worry about showers, but I am cautious about soil contact, wearing a mask when I garden in dry soil. I have others handle my digging & mulching to minimize exposure. I swim in the ocean and outdoor salt water pools, but not indoor pools. I don't go neat hot tubs.

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Thank you Sue, I was a little freaked out by what some of them said they do to keep the bacteria at bay. I'm waiting for my last culture to come back and I am anxious to get started on treatment. I am so greatful to have found all of you . I feel quite alone at times. Thanks


Take a look at what many of our members have to say about staying healthy after the antibiotics. There is no one-size-fits-all plan, and we need to find our own path.
For example, my bronchiectasis is stable, my infections held at bay for almost 4 years by 7% saline nebs, but no longer daily, with daily airway clearance. I do not boil my water, nor worry about showers, but I am cautious about soil contact, wearing a mask when I garden in dry soil. I have others handle my digging & mulching to minimize exposure. I swim in the ocean and outdoor salt water pools, but not indoor pools. I don't go neat hot tubs.

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Thank you Sue. Your is always a voice of reason.


Thank you Sue, I was a little freaked out by what some of them said they do to keep the bacteria at bay. I'm waiting for my last culture to come back and I am anxious to get started on treatment. I am so greatful to have found all of you . I feel quite alone at times. Thanks

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You never need to feel alone with this community behind you! You can ask questions, or even just for a hug - we all know what you are going through because we have been there.
Waiting is one of the hard parts of this condition - waiting for appointments, waiting for the cultures to come back, waiting to see if treatment is working...


There is a Facebook support group called Lung Matters: Covid, Bronchiectasis, MAC, NTM, Nocardia, Pseudomonoas and More. They offer a lot of advice on how to do Airway Clearance Techniques (ACTs) to keep our lungs clear, mostly nebulizing with Saline and Albuterol, and taking other precautions. I just finished 2.5 years of antibiotics and I've been infection-free 6 months so far and intend to keep it that way.

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It is a wonderful Facebook group and I learned so much! I highly recommend them.

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