After having 6 Covid Vaccines to date: How are you doing?

Posted by drsletmedown @drsletmedown, May 10, 2024

I'm 71 male & still work & do what I have to & need to. Do my yard work etc. Decided when Covid was bad & people close to me were dying to take the so called jab. Tried to NOT get caught up in either side for or against & Pray for the best. I've had 6 so far & was told in 4 months I need another of this latest one. A booster I guess. I've had ALL the Old Folks recommended vaccines trying to be proactive & NOT let ANY of the stuff you see non stop ads for like Shingles get me. SO it's DONE I can't UNDO them but I'm curious to how others that took them are doing ? Life is a daily battle. I hurt all over. Drs say osteoarthritis. Legs hurt. Feels like my bones hurt. A 40 lb bag of potting soil feels like 100lbs. Ocular Migraines. GI issues. Brain Fog etc. Just curious I don't see much about AFTER vaccines & I'm NOT interested in any far fetched Snake Oil videos & folks trying to cask in to make a $. I chose to side with the so called Science just NOT sure if it was the right choice ? I'm up & alive & Thankful for every new day just wondering how others are doing AFTER the FACT ?

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Everyone looks at this vaccine differently and undoubtedly it saved a lot of lives early on. I am closing in on 67, so not far behind you, but I have only had the original 2 shots and then one booster after. Booster was about 18 months ago now and frankly I am not considering any additional covid shots unless this virus rears it's ugly head again and regains strength. Right now Covid is still out there, I guess, but I don't hear much about it and frankly it's not anywhere close to being as potent as it initially was. So no more shots for me unless this changes. Just my viewpoint. I suspect it's your pharmacy (CVS/Walgreens etc) that is sending you those damn messages saying your due again. I ignore their crap messages, as all they care about is getting reimbursed for vaccines, they could care less about our health. I understand that business all too well! But to answer your question, yes, I have now developed osteoarthritis as well since I've had these shots. I will never know if the vaccines had anything to do with it was coming on anyway and timing was just coincidental? Best to you!


I have had every Covid and booster offered and as far as I know have had no reactions ( except the first shot I had flu symptoms for 3 days). I’ve had osteoarthritis for many years so it’s not from vaccines. ( I am nearly 77 , female). I actually tested myself for Covid and had one positive test ( followed up by positive test at a pharmacy) and I had no symptoms whatever ( tested at home as I was supposed to go to a baby shower & just wanted to be sure I was ok - skipped the party though). I’m not sure if I’ll get any more Covid shots as it doesn’t seem to be as bad as before. I always get the seasonal flu shot though, since before that was around I usually came down with flu. But I was working then and around lots more people than I am in contact with now.


I'm 70 yo, female, and have 6 covid vaccines. After the Moderna or Pfizer shots I have ~24 hours of a sore arm, severe insomnia, and fatigue, but otherwise zero side effects. My husband just gets a sore arm and a bit tired. I do have multiple autoimmune diseases, osteo(porosis, arthritis), and such, but the shots had no effect on those preexisting conditions. I had covid March of 2023; caught it from a fellow cyclist on a 350 mile bike tour. It morphed into 8 months of long covid, the symptoms of which were fatigue (PEM) and cardiovascular issues (no permanent damage). Everyone is a bit different regarding reactions, but I'd rather be sick for a day with a shot than increase my risk of a severe covid reaction.


Everyone looks at this vaccine differently and undoubtedly it saved a lot of lives early on. I am closing in on 67, so not far behind you, but I have only had the original 2 shots and then one booster after. Booster was about 18 months ago now and frankly I am not considering any additional covid shots unless this virus rears it's ugly head again and regains strength. Right now Covid is still out there, I guess, but I don't hear much about it and frankly it's not anywhere close to being as potent as it initially was. So no more shots for me unless this changes. Just my viewpoint. I suspect it's your pharmacy (CVS/Walgreens etc) that is sending you those damn messages saying your due again. I ignore their crap messages, as all they care about is getting reimbursed for vaccines, they could care less about our health. I understand that business all too well! But to answer your question, yes, I have now developed osteoarthritis as well since I've had these shots. I will never know if the vaccines had anything to do with it was coming on anyway and timing was just coincidental? Best to you!

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I had a terrible reaction to thefirst shot. None after. It caused nerve damage no one knows how to treat 17 doctos and counting


I'm 70 yo, female, and have 6 covid vaccines. After the Moderna or Pfizer shots I have ~24 hours of a sore arm, severe insomnia, and fatigue, but otherwise zero side effects. My husband just gets a sore arm and a bit tired. I do have multiple autoimmune diseases, osteo(porosis, arthritis), and such, but the shots had no effect on those preexisting conditions. I had covid March of 2023; caught it from a fellow cyclist on a 350 mile bike tour. It morphed into 8 months of long covid, the symptoms of which were fatigue (PEM) and cardiovascular issues (no permanent damage). Everyone is a bit different regarding reactions, but I'd rather be sick for a day with a shot than increase my risk of a severe covid reaction.

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I agree 100% I took the Paxlovid the day I tested positive & only felt bad one day so something worked.


I'm 70 yo, female, and have 6 covid vaccines. After the Moderna or Pfizer shots I have ~24 hours of a sore arm, severe insomnia, and fatigue, but otherwise zero side effects. My husband just gets a sore arm and a bit tired. I do have multiple autoimmune diseases, osteo(porosis, arthritis), and such, but the shots had no effect on those preexisting conditions. I had covid March of 2023; caught it from a fellow cyclist on a 350 mile bike tour. It morphed into 8 months of long covid, the symptoms of which were fatigue (PEM) and cardiovascular issues (no permanent damage). Everyone is a bit different regarding reactions, but I'd rather be sick for a day with a shot than increase my risk of a severe covid reaction.

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If I could ride a bike 350 miles we wouldn't be having this discussion LOL


If I could ride a bike 350 miles we wouldn't be having this discussion LOL

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I caught covid on the bike tour. It turned into long covid. After 8 months I could bike up to 10 miles without extreme fatigue. Aging 10 years in a year is not fun.


I caught covid on the bike tour. It turned into long covid. After 8 months I could bike up to 10 miles without extreme fatigue. Aging 10 years in a year is not fun.

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That's my BIGGEST Fear / Complaint. I feel like the aging is going way too fast. Don't know who or what to believe anymore but it certainly doesn't ANY one I've seen is LISTENING. IF they CAN'T see it on film or scans or labs it must be in your head. NONE have ever out & out said that but you can feel it. I'm NOT a Pro or Anti Vaxxer I just did them ALL trying to be proactive & I DON'T blame any of this on any of it but a lot of folks have a lot of the same stuff. I'll be LONG gone before they'd ever admit it anyway. Hopeful for something more normal fotr the final laps.


I had all of the vaccines with little to no reactions except for the last booster. I was ill with aches, chills and fatigue for about 3 days. I got Covid about 2 months after and had severe pain in the trigeminal nerve that felt like an electrical shock going from forehead into my eye and cheek. Even a slight movement of my bangs set it off if the breeze hit my hair. After prednisone treatment it has improved but I avoid touching the area on my forehead which is not always easy. The MRI and MRA came back normal. Anyone else have anything like this?


If I could ride a bike 350 miles we wouldn't be having this discussion LOL

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Exactly, lol.

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