After Bacterial Meningitis

Posted by meningone @meningone, Nov 23, 2018

I don't know if I have TBI, or what is wrong with me. I contracted BM late April 2018 and since then have had all sorts of complications. Headaches ranging from moderate to severely debilating, horrible neck pain that never goes away & makes it almost impossile to turn my head to look from side to side, and definately not behind me. Spine and rib pain. It seems that every muscle and joint in my body hurts, keeping me in constant daily pain.Very often it feels like my muscles or something inside my body is on fire. I have such trouble with memory and concentration. I cannot tolerate extra stimuli anymore. Too much noise, too much decision making, stress, too many people talking, get me really anxious and I feel I need to get away from the situation and I kinda just shut down. Things like flashing lights, loud patterns, alot of showing of mixed changing colors and things like that make me nauseous, dizzy and anxious. Driving or riding in a car brings on the headaches, pain, and exhaustion. I am sooooo exhausted/fatigued all the time. I always feel like I need to rest, but resting doesn't help. On the other hand, pushing myself and putting myself or being in these situations do make it worse. But I can't avoid life, nor do I want to. I want to enjoy my family and friends. My grandaughters. My church family. I am at a loss.

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Hi I don’t know how old you are but please read my entry about my experience with Bacteria Meningitis…. Your not in this alone… (Mothergoose) May God Bless you and love you always!!!!


I’m very sorry to read that you have suffered with the after effects of bacterial meningitis.
When I was a pediatric resident in the mid 1970s we saw plenty of bacterial meningitis. The vaccines for this had not been developed. In the 80s there was one new vaccine that that removed most of our meningitis cases. In the 90s another vaccine was developed that removed almost the rest of cases.
I’m glad you are here to talk about it. When you were a child the schools didn’t give you extra help and training the way they do now.
It’s good to see that you have and have had a good life.
I’m not surprised that your parents didn’t say anything. They probably were very afraid of losing you.
I hope members that have experienced bacterial meningitis will see your post and make contact.


Thanks for your kind words… Yes I’ve been looking all my adult life trying to find information on this subject but it’s rare to find another person of my age that has lived with the side effects for this long…
I have a question for you now if somebody comes across my post and sees this and would want to talk to me about a similar issue , will they contact me in the same way you did? Thanks again and have a great day.


Yes, if someone sees your post under this subject they would respond in the same way.
The post you responded to was from 2019- that person may not be active now.
I found your post because there was a notification that there was a new update on the subject.

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