
Posted by happyhealthyme @happyhealthyme, Apr 6 8:11pm

Did anyone on this forum experience a painful pinched nerve in the neck after using Aerobika?

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@happyhealthyme Hmm, why did you draw a connection between the 2 events?


Good question. It's because of having experienced the pinched nerve pain in my neck soon after having used my Aerobika. The next time I used the Aerobika, I stopped as soon as the pain came back on. But if no one else had this happen to them, I'd be able to assume the Aerobika is not causing it.


Good question. It's because of having experienced the pinched nerve pain in my neck soon after having used my Aerobika. The next time I used the Aerobika, I stopped as soon as the pain came back on. But if no one else had this happen to them, I'd be able to assume the Aerobika is not causing it.

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Or...maybe there is a connection? If you are prone to such pain, maybe check your posture and position while using the Aerobika.

Here's what I might do - sit erect on a firm chair, feet on floor, shoulders and neck relaxed and breathe as though using the device. That is a deep breath in through nose and out through pursed lips. After a few of these, lift the Aerobika to your lips keeping the same relaxed posture and slow even breath release- see if you get pain.
Can you see if that helps?


In addition, just remember to hold your breath for a count of four or so, between the inhalation and exhalation of each breath. It really works to help loosen and move the phlegm up to more easily huff cough and expel it. Although the Aerobika is designed to be used while standing too, according to the product info, the recommended position is being seated as @sueinmn mentioned!

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