Adenoid cystic carcinoma - left tongue base

Posted by Douglas Loewen @douger, Oct 22, 2017

Primary radiation Jan 2013 and re-radiation Oct 2016. CT Angio Apr 2017. to view deep ulcer in left tongue base which may be cancerous and determine concern about dangerous bleeding from a prominent vessel originating from left external carotid coursing along the base of the ulcer. Reluctant to perform surgery because of this. Currently all food and medication being consumed thru g-tube as unable to swallow. While quality of life is reasonable I wondered if anyone has had experience with this type of Head and Neck cancer.

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Hi @douger, Just thought I would check to see how you and Willa are doing. I'd love to get an update if you have a minute.

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It's a fast moving world we live in. 3 weeks ago Willa was hospitalized with a stroke. After scans and a MRI it was determined there was no connection with the tongue cancer so treatment at the moment is for the stroke which mainly affects the right arm and leg. She is being provided with physio by hospital staff while awaiting placement in a regional physio center. Recovery prospects are fairly good but will likely require a walker and home support. Willa's vitals are all quite normal and she is a fighter so we ( myself, 3 adult children and 6 grandkids along with 1 great grandchild) are confident that she will continue to maintain a positive attitude about recovery. The co-operation between our local Doctors and those at Princess Margaret Head and Neck cancer dept has been outstanding. We do have a February appointment at PM to review cancer side but attendace will be determined by her progress.
PS - I had a bit of a problem with my Nov 8th update which seemed to get out of place by date - hopefully this one will come up in order.


It's a fast moving world we live in. 3 weeks ago Willa was hospitalized with a stroke. After scans and a MRI it was determined there was no connection with the tongue cancer so treatment at the moment is for the stroke which mainly affects the right arm and leg. She is being provided with physio by hospital staff while awaiting placement in a regional physio center. Recovery prospects are fairly good but will likely require a walker and home support. Willa's vitals are all quite normal and she is a fighter so we ( myself, 3 adult children and 6 grandkids along with 1 great grandchild) are confident that she will continue to maintain a positive attitude about recovery. The co-operation between our local Doctors and those at Princess Margaret Head and Neck cancer dept has been outstanding. We do have a February appointment at PM to review cancer side but attendace will be determined by her progress.
PS - I had a bit of a problem with my Nov 8th update which seemed to get out of place by date - hopefully this one will come up in order.

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After an encouraging reort on Dec 9 Willa had a bone marrow test which revealed accute leukemia. Discussions with hematologist indicated extensive treatment was available. Willa was not prepared to undertake more treatments and declined. During the next few days she spent her time being with family and friends. On Dec 19 Willa passed away peacefully on her own terms. An amazing lady who will be missed by many.


After an encouraging reort on Dec 9 Willa had a bone marrow test which revealed accute leukemia. Discussions with hematologist indicated extensive treatment was available. Willa was not prepared to undertake more treatments and declined. During the next few days she spent her time being with family and friends. On Dec 19 Willa passed away peacefully on her own terms. An amazing lady who will be missed by many.

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Hello @douger

Please accept my condolences on the passing of Willa. You descriptions of her depict wonderful woman who will be missed by you and the rest of her family. It seems that she taught everyone how to face challenges with grace, dignity and a positive attitude. I'm sure you feel blessed by your relationship with her. I hope that those memories will offer you peace and strength to carry on during the following days.


After an encouraging reort on Dec 9 Willa had a bone marrow test which revealed accute leukemia. Discussions with hematologist indicated extensive treatment was available. Willa was not prepared to undertake more treatments and declined. During the next few days she spent her time being with family and friends. On Dec 19 Willa passed away peacefully on her own terms. An amazing lady who will be missed by many.

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@douger, I, too, send my thoughts to be with you and your family at this time. Thank you for returning to let us know about the passing of Willa. Dec 22 we celebrated 5 years of my Dad's passing. Like Willa, he chose no further treatment and passed on his terms supported by his family. It's never easy to lose a loved one, but being able to support their wishes is a small but significant comfort that I'm sure you cherish.

I'm sure you are still reeling from all the arrangements that have to be tended to and family gathering around you. I just want to let you know that we also have a Loss and Grief discussion group on Connect and would welcome you to join the discussion when and if you would like to:
- The Journey of Grieving

As @IndianaScott always signs off with: Peace and Strength to you Douglas.

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