Adenocarcinoma Robotic RLL Lobectomy: Does age affect outcome?

Posted by bbtn @bbtn, May 16, 2023

Hello all,
I've been diagnosed with NSCLC adenocarcinoma. The nodule is approximately 2.5 cm I'm told. I'm scheduled for a right lower lobectomy next week on the 26th at Vanderbilt. I'm really getting crazy anxiety about this and would love some input from people who have had this procedure. I'm 64 and wondering if my age is going to affect the outcome.
Any advice is appreciated

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Hi Bunnie, i had my URL removed Mar 15. I'm 65. I don't think age matters as much as general health. Today I feel really good. My healing was incremental, I went back to work (desk job) 3 weeks after surgery and continued to improve every week. I focused on what I could control before and after surgery, walking, eating healthy, etc. Best wishes! Beth


Had the procedure on 4/11/23. Still recovering. Lyrica and Robaxin help with the nerve pain. Ask your dr.


Thats awesome advice. How long did you wait on a diagnosis and surgery? I lost like 5 lbs between the time they ordered my pet scan and when I received the results. The anxiety is the worst...but as my daughter said this is forward progress and I do want this cancer out of me! Did you have to have any chemo or treatment afterwards?

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Bunnie, thanks for reply, and nice reaction to my advice. Long story below, but short answer to your questions : about 8 weeks in between diagnosis and surgery, because of 3 chemo sessions in between. But only 17 days in between first visit with Oncologist and the day I received both my diagnosis as my treatment proposal. I did not have any chemo or treatment after the surgery. Only had a follow-up check with surgeon last week, will see Oncologist next week. Absolutely loved to read the words of your daughter, and yours as well… Tumors need to be told “Get out of here, this is MY body, not yours”… Take care, all the best, Wally. Long story : Unexpected X-ray raised suspicion on Nov 29th. Followed by 2nd (more detailed) X-ray, then CT Scan, later whole-body PET Scan. Slow so-called “linear system”, from 1 Doctor to another to another and from test to evaluation to referral to exam and so on… Holiday season did not help. 2 Pitch black months of uncertainty and anxiety. On Jan 4th, my all-time-life luckiest day, got in touch with a major cancer clinic, based on a multidisciplinary team system. Then water in the creek started to flow Niagara-fast. Appointment with Oncology Jan 9th. Evaluation and planning. Lab and EKG 1 day later. CT Thorax Jan 16th. Bronchoscopy (biopsy) Jan 17th. MRI scan 2 days later. Pulmonary testing Jan 25th. Team of all doctors concerned had a meeting on Jan 26th early am, came up with diagnosis and treatment plan. My “let’s go for it” only took a second, as I had built up 100 pct full confidence in all doctors concerned. Which is sooooo important. Port placement surgery Feb 1st. First chemo on February 6th. No 2 on the 27th, no 3 on March 20th. Surgery on April 26th. Not mentioning more than a dozen exams in between, including clearance of cardiology.


Yes, pain lasts a while. Mine was area below my right breast in front. It started to subside after a month or so. I switched from Tramadol to Tylenol after about a week. Are you still taking a heavy duty pain killer?

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No , I stopped tramadol after a few days. Alternate Tylenol and Advil. This last week it seems to be slowly improving!


Hi- I had robotic surgery as well but upper L lobe, stage 1b . Mine was 3 weeks ago and I am still having lots of pain . Surgeon says it’s nerve pain, Wondering how long your pain lasted?
Thanks! Glad you’re doing well .

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Yes, pain lasts a while. Mine was area below my right breast in front. It started to subside after a month or so. I switched from Tramadol to Tylenol after about a week. Are you still taking a heavy duty pain killer?


Hi Jeff
Glad you're doing better! Did you have robotic surgery or? A month is a long time in the hospital but hopefully you're on the upside now 🙂

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Yes I'm doing good now. I was pretty sick when I started Doctoren . Most people including myself thought I was going to die. My own fault for not going to Dr. For over 20 years. I'm doing good now.


Hi Bunnie, I had much of my left upper lobe removed last week for NSC adenocarcinoma and I'm 60 years old. I have a second tumor on the right upper lobe which will hopefully be removed in 4-6 weeks. I am surprised at how quickly I am improving. My advise is to have some fun and relax before surgery. Positive affirmations are helpful. Also, it helps to strengthen your core if you can. For much of the first week post-op, I struggled to rotate my core when lifting myself. I was not able to sleep in my bed because it was too hard to get up or change position. At 7 days post, I am still on the couch with pillows propped behind me to sleep. I might invest in a reclining chair before surgery #2. Also, I found cloth ice bags to be beyond wonderful. I ordered a 2 pack on amazon and always had a cold one ready (they did not get too cold). Try not to worry. Modern medicine, surgery, and cancer care are amazing! Best wishes to you

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Wow sounds like your recovery is coming along well! Thank you for the encouragement.. Im trying to make myself calm down before surgery but I tend to get myself worked up. Also I heard that for easier sleeping/resting that a wedge pillow works wonders. I had to look that one up as I wasn't sure exactly what it was but im seriously thinking about ordering one from amazon. You may want one for your second round 🤷‍♀️.


I would have to agree with walk all you can. I had my two lower lobes of my right lung removed. I was about dead when I went to Dr. They made a 6 to 8 incision on my back, and of course smaller ones for chest tubes. So I was in the hospital about one month. But I left with no narcotics. Worked hard at Getting better. Doing good now. WALK

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Hi Jeff
Glad you're doing better! Did you have robotic surgery or? A month is a long time in the hospital but hopefully you're on the upside now 🙂


Bunnie, my story was very similar to yours. NSCLC adenocarcinoma with a tumor of 2.5 to 2.0 cm. I had 3 one-day sessions of chemo and immunotherapy, 3 weeks apart. Robotic surgery 4 weeks later. Removed the middle lobe of my right lung. Pathology could not examine the tumor, as found completely destroyed by chemo. Also, of 37 lymph nodes annihilated by robot, or sampled, pathology found no sign of cancer. Quick recovery of surgery, only spent 2 nights in hospital with good pain control. 3 Weeks later now, still recovering with mild pain medication. My 4 incisions are healing nicely. The area around the ribs is still sensitive to the touch, or when getting in or out of a car. I was told this is normal, related to both muscle pain as nerve pain because of handling of robotic instruments in between ribs. Could take some more weeks to completely heal. I am 7 years older than you, I do not think age itself would affect the outcome, being healthy is most important I guess. More advice : try to walk around a lot, especially the first week. I took my first short walk with a nurse only 6 hours after waking up from surgery. Also, when told to limit the weight in your hand at the surgery side to -say -8- pounds, please do stick to it…I had more, and regretted…Always listen to your body : sleep when it makes you yawn, rest when it says you feel tired. Most important : ask a lot of questions to your doctors, expect serious and honest answers, build up confidence. I had terrible anxiety in the early 6 weeks. Up to the moment that I received my diagnosis, and the proposal for the treatment. Decided at the spot. First chemo 1 week later. For me, that was the moment that most uncertainty vanished. As did most anxiety. Both are very related. Just my experience. Hope any of this helps. Good luck.

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Thats awesome advice. How long did you wait on a diagnosis and surgery? I lost like 5 lbs between the time they ordered my pet scan and when I received the results. The anxiety is the worst...but as my daughter said this is forward progress and I do want this cancer out of me! Did you have to have any chemo or treatment afterwards?


Hi Bunnie, I had much of my left upper lobe removed last week for NSC adenocarcinoma and I'm 60 years old. I have a second tumor on the right upper lobe which will hopefully be removed in 4-6 weeks. I am surprised at how quickly I am improving. My advise is to have some fun and relax before surgery. Positive affirmations are helpful. Also, it helps to strengthen your core if you can. For much of the first week post-op, I struggled to rotate my core when lifting myself. I was not able to sleep in my bed because it was too hard to get up or change position. At 7 days post, I am still on the couch with pillows propped behind me to sleep. I might invest in a reclining chair before surgery #2. Also, I found cloth ice bags to be beyond wonderful. I ordered a 2 pack on amazon and always had a cold one ready (they did not get too cold). Try not to worry. Modern medicine, surgery, and cancer care are amazing! Best wishes to you

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