Abuse of Opioids takes away from all the good it can do

Posted by rayjay535353 @rayjay535353, Sep 18, 2022

Hi, I'm Jaime- 68 year old male having chronic pain for 30 years.
I've had 14 sports related surgeries that began at age 18 and have just gone through 2 Posterior cervical decompression with multi level fusions during the past 18 months. I have been to numerous pain specialists, tried every supplement advertised, have every gadget that is offered online, and have had no less than 25 cortisone shots, knee replacement, epidurals etc. Throughout the 30 years, I have found that Opioids are the only thing that has allowed me a quality of life. Side effects? Show me a medication that doesn't have any. I had to be extremely disciplined to only take as prescribed. If a pain doctor doesn't offer opioids, they should find another profession. I take Hydrocodone 10/325 4 times a day max and less if not needed, Nobody seems to defend the use of opioids, but if you don't abuse it, it could be a life saver, not a killer

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100%. We are suffering, losing jobs, friends, and even families because we can’t be ourselves. Opioids won’t cure my RA or spinal issues, but they do allow me to have a couple of hours throughout the day to be a real mom, wife, and teacher.

They cut us off from decent health care, but their overdose numbers continue to rise. Hmmmmm.


Thank you so much for the recommendation. Good idea. I will search for one.


Yes! I take hydrocodone 10/325 and have for 20 years. I've gone from every 6 hours to 7 hours. There are times I need them every 6 or 4 hours and I always have to push my appointment out a couple weeks because I have too many left. Even when my script says 4 times a day, I only had 3 because I don't take them after 6, I'm usually in the bed watching TV and fall asleep and I don't need them when I'm sleeping. But yes, I've always said if you take them for what they are intended, you don't worry about abusing them. If I was taking them to get a buzz, after 20 years I'd need 3 at a time instead of 3 a day. I don't drink so I don't have that issue.


I really relate to what you are going through, Jamie. I have had 13 sports and dance related surgeries that all started in 1973. And I need at least 5 more because I am sick of surgeries and often the pain medication doesn’t work after the surgeries and it is HELL!! I have a connective tissue disease called Ehlers Danlos and it affects everything like your veins, skin, arteries, blood vessels, colon, heart, etc. I started throwing clots 6 months ago and they lodged right near my heart. But I had symptoms and they caught it before I croaked. I guess There is big things they have to keep an eye on like changes in the aorta ( John Ritter died in his 40’s of a ruptured aorta.. he had ED) and I recently had a ruptured colon and had to have a colostomy.. Yuk… and that bag for 5 months.. Almost Died.. was in the ICU for 8 days. Hospital for a month. Any surgery that involves soft tissue… like the rotator cuff surgery that I really need because my shoulder dislocates almost monthly.. has been for at least 10 years and after going to the ER in the beginning for them to fix it, I have become an expert at popping it back in. Takes hours of pain.. maneuvering.. praying and yelling!! But most of the time I avoid the ER.. They have told me that I only have a 50 percent chance it will take!! I know how painful that surgery is because I have had it on my right shoulder but that one didn’t dislocate. 🤷‍♀️I am sick of having surgery. With this disease you just don’t know if it’s going to work. They diagnosed me after a surgery on my foot, a simple bunionectomy turned my whole foot all splayed out and gross.
I have been on some form of pain medication on and off LOL, I am SO SORRY for the rambling NOVELA you had to read.. 🤦‍♀️ .. Um since high school.. I was always really achy.. living on my heating pad after cheerleading practice. My mom used to rub DEEP HEAT cream on my back before school in first grade and kids bullied me cause I smelled like menthol!! I didn’t care.. Helped my back pain. I guess it’s genetic Born with it.. my mom was diagnosed with it when I was. I am 67 now and I have always been very “bendy and klutzy “. 2 sure signs 😂My opioid needs we’re off and on but when I was having SO many surgeries back to back and eventually pain became chronic I began pretty much taking them daily!! 10/325 I am allowed to take 6 a day but on an average day 4-5. The judgment you get from family, is terrible.. at least my siblings.. who because of that I don’t hang with. People who don’t understand living with chronic pain and have no empathy are just hard for me. I have been to pain Docs and got 2 different treatments!! Mind you that I have had 2 spinal fusion’s L-3-4toL-5-S-1 I think. One pain doctor just wanted to give me epidurals all the time and I am allergic to Cortisone. He also did all these nerve tests on my spine and wanted to give me morphine and Norco as well!! There were always a ton of people in the waiting room!! I live in a smaller town. Then I read in the paper they were shut down for pushing too many meaningless tests on older people.
So I found another “pain” Dr and as soon as I walked in he told me that if I was looking for opioids for a solution for my pain forget about!! He only orders epidurals and PT. My nurse practitioner that I see monthly because I check in for clinical depression, fibromyalgia, Hashimotos Thyroid disease and others that requires meds said that SHE would take over my pain management and muscle relaxer medication, but she told me she was nervous about it because the DEA is breathing down DR’s throats because it got out of hand in the past and Drs are losing their licenses over minor precautions. My Dr who I loved had his license suspended probably 10 years ago because a family had a son who he treated for pain from a broken bone and the kid got addicted and got some off the street and OD’d. Norco.
My stepson had addiction issues since he was a freshman. I caught him stealing my Norco once and had to buy a lock box. I got divorced from his dad and his alcoholic and mild issues with pills I guess finally killed him. A year ago this last January he bought a “Norco” from someone selling on the street or a friend, to party with his best friend In Arizona who he had not seen in a couple years. Guess it was laced with Fentanyl, and his best friends wife found him face down on the kitchen floor after they had come home from the Casino… He was 29. His father, and sister and grandparents are devastated. I am as well since I raised him ( half custody) since he was 3 until he was 18. My 2 kids are broken. They keep saying saying it’s an OPIOID crisis and all these people are dying of what us people with chronic pain could NOT function!! It is a fentanyl crisis! And the government needs to open more facilities for helping people. Rehabs. I have run my mouth way too LONG! I hope I have helped a shred!! I DO know what you all are going through.. and I feel so bad for you and my empathy is here for you. Hugs


My pain doctor says that opioids will not help the nerve pain I am in but he seems to forget besides cauda equina syndrome chronic incomplete I have 2 knee replacements,2 hip replacements, a foot that has been reconstructed , need my elbow replaced and have a rotator cuff complete tear on top of the nerve pain in my feet, calves and thighs. Opioids helped prior to this new pain doctor. I do not ever get my pain under 7/8 which is a lot to deal with . I do have a med marijuana card and that helps some


I totally agree. Can I recommend combining occasional accpuncture and massage with med. treatment. I don't fully understand how it works, but found I used less pills and a few treatments left long lasting effects for my Chronic Pain Syndrome (CRPS). Lidocaine patches 5% worn daily dull, but never rid nerve pain. Every bit helps. Check around prices cheaper online.


Yes! I take hydrocodone 10/325 and have for 20 years. I've gone from every 6 hours to 7 hours. There are times I need them every 6 or 4 hours and I always have to push my appointment out a couple weeks because I have too many left. Even when my script says 4 times a day, I only had 3 because I don't take them after 6, I'm usually in the bed watching TV and fall asleep and I don't need them when I'm sleeping. But yes, I've always said if you take them for what they are intended, you don't worry about abusing them. If I was taking them to get a buzz, after 20 years I'd need 3 at a time instead of 3 a day. I don't drink so I don't have that issue.

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To those of you having issues finding pharmacy to fill oxy... Walmart claims they will no longer stock or max 7 days. I switched to my mail in prescription co. and they filled 75 as ordered by Dr. Good Luck.


The war on drugs has been a complete failure and will continue to fail as huge amounts of fentanyl comes across our border. Why should those of us who need them have to be denied pain killers because of the federal government's lack of control over illegal drugs and super control over legal ones? People step out into the streets with bullhorns and loud chants to protest all kinds of things that often seem nonsensical. Would it be illogical to protest FOR prescription pain killers?


To those of you having issues finding pharmacy to fill oxy... Walmart claims they will no longer stock or max 7 days. I switched to my mail in prescription co. and they filled 75 as ordered by Dr. Good Luck.

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Publix fills mine. A months supply but they always last more than a month. In fact I just called yesterday for them to fill the 2nd RX and the date on my bottle is March 8th. I've still got about 4 or 5 days worth but didn't want to go back to pharmacy in a few days and I've got BP meds ready now. Mine is not oxygen though. Mine is hydrocodone 10/325


My pain doctor says that opioids will not help the nerve pain I am in but he seems to forget besides cauda equina syndrome chronic incomplete I have 2 knee replacements,2 hip replacements, a foot that has been reconstructed , need my elbow replaced and have a rotator cuff complete tear on top of the nerve pain in my feet, calves and thighs. Opioids helped prior to this new pain doctor. I do not ever get my pain under 7/8 which is a lot to deal with . I do have a med marijuana card and that helps some

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My heart breaks as I read this. I am dealing with a lot, but I will pray for you daily.

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